However it seems to be getting out of control. I feel that more people are doing it for the fun factor as opposed to spreading the message of awareness. The usage of water in this whole challenge is of concern. I also worry about people getting injured in the midst of trying to over-impress other people with their videos.
I cast the chart with "water karma" in mind. Water related asteroids are also used.
The date/time was obtained through Wikipedia. First time it was broadcast on TV and of when the first challenge was accepted.
Sabian symbol for ASC is "A woman awaiting a sailboat".
I have seen this symbol before and link it very strongly to story of Atlantis. It is one of the special Sabian degrees for Atlantis. (Asteroid Atlantis Discovery Date Chart - I have not written much on what I really learnt from studying Atlantis.) The gods decided to punish the Atlanteans with a flood for their arrogance and behaviour. The degree speaks to me of the woman waiting for the sailboat to be saved when the city of Atlantis is getting flooded.
Significator for the whole challenge idea is Moon.
Moon in Leo sits in the 2nd house, house of money and self-worth. Moon also conjuncts BML.
There is concern to raise money and idea of generosity towards giving money. There is concern to build a reputation to perhaps boost a Leo-like ego. The BML conjunction is probably why this is spreading like fire and untamable.
Jupiter, the sign of expansion and teachings, lies in the first house. Jupiter rules 6th house (health - ALS) and 9th house (teachings). It holds true for what this idea is about, spreading awareness about ALS. Jupiter is also exalted here in Cancer.
The significator for the community effort, as a collective group, would be Venus (11th house).
Venus lies in 11th house, conjuncting Juno. They are committed in doing good as a community. Since Venus is in Gemini, it is more so through talking, communication, in this case, viral videos.
Venus squares Neptune (9th). Unfortunately, the effort doesn't work out as what one imagines it to be, in the form of awareness teachings.
Significator for the 2nd house (money, self-worth) is Sun.
Sun in Cancer lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 3rd house (messages, communication) and 12th house is Mercury.
Mercury in Gemini (domicile) lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 5th house (fun, self-expression) is Mars, and Pluto (modern astrology)
Mars in Libra (detriment) lies in 4th house.
Pluto in Capricorn lies in 6th house.
There is also a distinct kite with Pluto driving it. A lot of fun used to drive all the energy from (Sun, Neptune, Saturn) in the the name of health matters.
In the chart, I also see a glaring Jupiter-Varuna conjunction. Varuna is the Vedic god of water and ocean. More often seen as a punisher of divine justice.
On 15 July, the challenge was brought to mainstream audiences and got national attention and that's when the tagging started going.
Transits for that day
Sun conjuncts Poseidon at 23 Cancer
Moon conjuncts Neptune at 7 Pisces
Mars/Spica/North Node conjunct IC
Eris conjuncts MC
Chiron conjuncts POF
Venus (11th) intercepted in 11th
Mercury (3rd) in 11th
Jupiter (9th) in 12th, conjuncts ASC (also combust by Sun (1st,2nd))
That's when Sun crosses into 1st house for 1st chart and was "brought to light" from the 12th.
In mid- August, that's when it spread really fast and crazy. That's around the time when Venus (11th) conjuncts Jupiter (6th, 9th). The community effort to teach about health was at its peak and force keeps expanding.
On 16 August, the co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge was found dead from drowning after raising funds for ALS. He was described to be very happy and "in paradise" after the successful fundraiser.
This chart is based on the time his body was found.
His significator would be Moon. Moon also rules the 2nd house (self-worth and money)
Moon is in 11th house. Moon is in Taurus, exalted. It describes his excitement about money (Taurus) towards community (11th). At exaltion, it can mean arrogrance or inflated sense of self.
Moon's last aspect was a sextile with Neptune (in 9th), and square with Jupiter (in 2nd).
What happened is sad.
I couldn't help noticing Poseidon conjuncting IC (end of matters).
I have just read there are also other deaths/injuries found whether related directly or indirectly after the Ice Bucket Challenge. There's one guy who's said to have jumped into a quarry and died of drowning after doing the challenge
It's really quite sad to read about those.
Astrology aside, this is a good read on the cold shock that happens to the body that can cause drowning.
Going back to the first chart.
8th house is called the house of death/transformation.
8th house significator would be Saturn (traditional) or Uranus (modern).
If you are traditional, you would have restriction and be disciplined on conception of fun in the 5th house.
If you are modern, the eccentric side of you would be trying very hard to impress through social media (10th house/MC).
Mars conjuncts Saturn.
Venus squares Mars/Saturn.
It's also when people start realizing the dangers the Challenge can cause just to bring fun and boast about it (5th, 10th) and its consequences when people start doing stunts to impress.
The 7th house significator is also Saturn.
7th house here would represent other charity organizations.
While some other organizations have benefited indirectly from some donations due to the Ice Bucket Challenge's hype, the overall donation towards other organizations would drop drastically since a good amount have gone towards ALS.
This comes to light as Venus squares Saturn, when people start realizing this is another consequence of a hyped up trend.
Did the Ice Bucket Challenge really teach anything?
Transit Sun crosses Atlantis (as I write this)
Neptune in 9th.
Perhaps something is taught, but just not apparent. Also note Neptune's presence (watery symbol, Poseidon's other name).
When you put out challenges out there that it's ok to drop a bucket of water over your head in the name of charity, the consequences that follow snowball.
You have just taught the future generations it is ok to waste resources just to get donations.
You have just taught them outdoing each other just to get more donations is fine.
Viewing through rose-tainted glasses that all will be right when it isn't clearly right.
It causes a drought in the form of money towards other charity organizations.
It causes a drought in the form of water.
It passes on flawed mentality in the younger ones that might bite in the future.
I wish it will stop.
They have raised enough money and enough awareness (in name, not necessarily in the disease ALS). There's no need to spill more water over it.
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