Friday, June 27, 2014

Musings: Astrology Teething Chart of Luis Suarez

Why did Luis Suarez bite an Italian player during World Cup 2014?

Will he bite another again?

Don't you just love astrology? Especially when you use it to find out why he bites one and not another.


I just went through other astrologers' readings and decided to do one for him using asteroids. Too hilarious not to.

Luis Suarez's Natal Chart (Inside) with Uruguay-Italy Match Transit Chart (Outside)

Forgive me, for I decided to skip all the planetary aspects.

Let's just get straight to topic.

He has Mars-Eris-Vesta conjunct North Node in Aries.
His aggressiveness, eccentric dedication in bringing discord brings him further in life. In Aries, he doesn't even stop to think about his actions. On that day, transit Uranus is currently at around 16 Aries, conjuncting his North Node so honestly, I don't know what else this guy is going through except some high level of craziness. There's also the Grand Cardinal Cross involving Uranus going on for a while. On that day, transit Mars was squaring transit Pluto, in opposition with transit Uranus.

If you focus at his South Node, that's where the transit Mars-Vesta-Ceres in Libra are. So it's literally a double dose of energy at both nodal ends for him.

Transit Sun conjuncts his Prometheus-BML
Transit Sun opposite his Neptune
Prometheus is a god that defied Zeus's orders and stole fire for men so that they can stay alive. On that day the Sun fully brought out Luis's BML (untamed energy) into going against all odds to help his team win. Lol. He took the first bite for his team.

He has Nessus conjunct Atlantis.
I recalled seeing this aspect in Oscar Pistorius's chart.  Nessus can be used to signify abuse or abuser. At Atlantis, it's where you learn lessons of the past. It's something if you learn it, you will have great powers and transcend, and if you don't, you repeat the same mistakes and  fall greatly.

Indeed he has been repeating the same mistakes of biting players for quite a while. And now it has gotten him into deep trouble.

Luis has Nessus-Atlantis square (country) asteroid Italia  (and it's exact!)
Like...LOOK, it's freaking in his chart! Lol.
Anything squaring Nessus should be wary of the Nessus person because squares will catch you unaware. I haven't really used country asteroids in my readings but just LOOK. I mean...
If read literally, it means he will have tendency to "abuse" perhaps an "Italia" (Italian). Maybe he should consider avoid going Italy too in case he gets into more trouble.

And if you look at asteroid Italia in his chart, it conjuncts with Transit Prometheus-Dejanira.
Dejanira is usually used to signify victim. Both Nessus and Dejanira are a couple pair where Nessus tricked Dejanira into killing her husband when he couldn't have her.

Transit Dejanira squares Luis's Nessus. 
He "preyed" on the unaware Italian player in the midst of the match out of nowehere. But I don't think he really wants the Italian player. haha.

Ooo. But that was creepy how it came out in the charts.

Transit Karma conjunct his Venus-Saturn (exact)
Saturn meets Karma here. This seems to be a tough aspect for him. But his Venus-Saturn trines his North Node. I think he will get through it.

I might take a look at Giorgio Chiellini's chart later.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Horary Chart for MH370 Part 2

Continued from Part 1

Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family. In here, I would think 4H stands for family members of crew and passengers. They lie in the 8H, house of fear, crisis. Jupiter's exaltation may be dignified but it could also mean unrealistic view. They would have views of their own, sometimes it might get unrealistic. Their views would sway and influence the 8H investigation matters. It affects the Moon.


I wanted to progress further but I found something interesting to pry into.

I can reverse- read the chart.

8 houses would mean investigation. The plane's investigation is locked in Cancer, 8th house away from the 1st. Dignified but messy as it is also squaring Uranus from the 5H of entertainment. Unexpected interference from people/netizens poking fun of the issue at hand to distract the investigators.

What about the government's investigation?

8 houses turned from the 10th house (government) would be 5H in Aries. Ok... maybe it was the government's investigation interfering with the original investigation. Significator here would be Mars in Libra. Mars is conjunct North Node here but Mars is also retrograde and detriment in Libra

What about the family's investigation (if any)?
8 houses turned from the 4th house (family) would be 11H in Libra. Mars in also in stationed here. Significator would be Venus in Aquarius in 2H.


Something about Mars.

When I started this horary chart reading, I was like "Inmarsat must be Mars". Months ago, I saw online someone mentioning that the lexigram for INMARSAT is MARTIANS.

Indeed Inmarsat is bringing us further.

But Mars is retrograde and in detriment. I'm not sure whether we are on the right track with Inmarsat's data.


There is a collective group of activity going on in 11th house. Ceres, Vesta, Mars conjunct North Node. All in retrograde.

There is a collective effort to bring people together (11H) and countries together in the name of diplomacy (Libra). The retrograde and detriment would probably suggest a weakened effort.

Venus is also squaring Mars and separating, describing the conflict in views between family and government's investigation but it gradually lessens with time.

So how do things go from here?

How else do you find Saturn (missing plane significator) other than being that planet? Since Saturn rules 2H and 3H, locating 8 houses in the reverse direction would find out whose investigation actually brings us closer.

Working backwards, it points back to 7H in Gemini and 8H Cancer.

I've been thinking who 7H is. I think it would point to business partners, open enemies. It could mean competitors of the airline. Suppose they got nosy and decide to conduct private investigations/research or inside information, something would come up. It is also in the sign of Gemini, a sign of twins who love to talk. I think of gossip being leaked out.

8H here could refer to private investigators (instead of the actual investigation as above). An independent group of investigators unrelated to the government or airline.

8th house is also about inheritance, insurance, financial support/loans, estates. I think of investigators from insurance companies who had to pry through information of those onboard and the airline company to really verify whether to compensate. Their investigation could lead somewhere.


As Saturn is a malefic significator and also in retrograde in 12th house, it seems really hard to get to the plane.

Saturn means old with age, retrograde means delays, 12th house is the most difficult house. Multiple delays.
12H in Scorpio means water location.

It could take a while. A long while.

I found this while researching.

"However, when the significator of a missing item is retrograde it usually indicates its return (CA. p.468)"

I felt positive about it.

The first intuitive thing I did was to find out when does Saturn retrograde end.

Saturn turns direct on July 20th 2014.

Hopefully things will work out from there.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Horary Chart for MH370 Part 1

I decided to attempt an horary chart reading for MH370. I don't stick to rules for astrology so this is not "traditional horary".

I am using the birth chart (flight chart) for the reading.

The significator of the plane would be the chart ruler of Sagittarius Ascendant, which would be Jupiter in Cancer in 8H. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter is also in a water house. In the 8th house, it is the house of transformations, death, shared resources, investigations etc.

The co-significator of the plane would be the Moon. Moon is in Gemini, conjuncting the 7th house cusp (DSC) from 6H.

In lost horary, the missing object is denoted by the 2nd house (Capricorn). I decided to use it too to represent the plane after it went missing. The significator of the missing plane would be Saturn in Scorpio in 12H. Saturn is in retrograde and also in a water house.


The last aspect of the significator would tell us why happened before the plane went missing. I couldn't see anything obvious that has to do with Jupiter at first until I read that Jupiter had turned straight after being in retrograde just 2 days before. It was still stationary for this chart.

Sequence of events for Jupiter (past -> that night)

Jupiter Rx square Uranus (exact) -> Uranus separates from square with Jupiter Rx -> Jupiter turns straight (stationary)

Reading it backwards relating back to the plane, it would mean that the plane got hit by an unexpected event that's perhaps electrical or technical. During the transit with the problem, the plane flew on but decided to make a turn back. Jupiter in stationary motion would indicate a stalling of plans or the plane.

Jupiter is exhalted in Cancer, a dignified position. It indicates the plane or person flying the plane was confident in position. The motion of the planet would however indicate there was hesitation, conflict of ideas.

The last aspect with the Moon is probably not used in horary. But I decide to use it anyway. I think of Moon as the emotions of the people onboard.

Sequence of events for Moon (Past -> that night -> upcoming)
Moon square Neptune (exact) ->Moon separates from Neptune square and Venus trine -> Moon starts squaring Sun  -> Moon sextile Uranus -> Moon squares Sun (exact)

This would hint that there was some confusing matters (or it could mean water issues) bothering them before the flight. The matters then changed to having matters with authority or the Sun (whoever Sun is). Moon sextile Uranus means there was an unexpected or electrical incident onboard which was in control but then led to a head-on clash or tensions (square) with the Sun.

In horary, the position of the Sun is important for answering the question. In the chart, the Sun rules the 9th house of travels, which is appropriate. For this chart, the significator of the 9th house, the Sun would sound to me to be the pilot or co-pilot since they are the ones in charge of flying the plane. Sun is in Pisces in 4H, also a water sign in a water house. The whole chart is packed with water "signs" if you haven't realized by now.

On to the lost significator.

Saturn lies in the dark 12th house of mystery. It is the house of secrets, secret enemies, the unknown, house of self-undoing. The missing plane is in some unknown hidden location.

Saturn is also conjunct with fixed star, Unukalhai.
"Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake"

Sequence of events for Saturn (Past -> [that night] -> future)

Moon opposite Saturn -> Moon separates -> [Saturn trines the Sun and squares Mercury] -> Mercury squares Saturn Rx -> Sun trines Saturn Rx

Saturn's square with Mercury, the sign of communications, signifies a communication problem causing the plane's disappearance. Mercury lies in the 3H of communications in Aquarius. I think 3H here would refer to the communication equipment/system of the plane.

Using traditional rulership, Saturn, in this case, would also rule 3H. Which means Saturn rules both 2H (possessions/plane parts) and 3H (communications). The missing plane had difficulty with establishing communications with their own equipment. Mercury rules the 10th house, house of authorities (government) /work (superiors) and the 7th house, house of partners/open enemies. Contact couldn't be made to government, employers, business partners, life partners. Saturn is also in a difficult house hinting there are hidden reasons for delays.

I actually think Saturn's trine with the Sun (travels) would mean the pilots were bringing plane to safety. Saturn approaches an exact trine with the Sun but it's still a distance way before completing an exact trine. Moon would intercept the Sun with the square before Saturn. Here I think it implies matters onboard might have affected the pilots from bringing the plane to safety to a trine. Moon rules the 8th house, which is a complicated house. It can mean crisis, death, fear etc.

If I look at the chart from another angle, the Sun could actually mean the authorities (related to 9H travels) searching for the missing plane. In this case it would probably refer to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and the aviation specialists. The Sun moves towards a trine to Saturn (missing plane) but before it can happen, it hits the square with the Moon. In here, Moon would represent investigations (8H). The investigations conflicted the authorities' (MAS) views, intercepting (distracting) them from locating the lost plane.

Jupiter's (expansion) presence in 8H would probably mean there was an extensive amount of  information/investigation related to the plane to look at, which was probably what led to the confusion. Jupiter's stationary position would signify the hesitation/stalling of plans ongoing when it comes to the search.

Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family.

(to be continued)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Musings: Astrology Chart for World Cup 2014 Opening Ceremony

A short reading (or rather, rambling) for World Cup 2014 Opening Ceremony.

I am having some problems looking at charts due to Mercury Retrograde. Had such a hard time trying to gather information like exact time of the event. That's what Mercury Retrograde does. I'll just see what I can find.

In the chart, there is not 1 but 2 mystic rectangles in this chart. Both Masculine (Fire, Air) and Feminine (Water, Earth) mystic rectangles. Although there are stress and obstacles throughout their journey to the opening of this ceremony, it signifies great potential to harness all that power in both yin and yang sense if balanced properly through the 4 placements' oppositions and sextiles..

8 planets are involved in the mystic rectangles.
Mars-Moon-Sun-Uranus - Masculine Fire/Air Rectangle (extrovert)
Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter-Venus - Feminine Earth/Water Rectangle (introvert)

That leaves Mercury and Neptune, which also has harmonious aspects.
Mercury trine Neptune
Neptune sextile Pluto

except for Neptune square Moon, which signifies confusion emotionally over self performance.

It's quite interesting how there's a Grand Cardinal Cross going on and how 2 rectangles are like gears hinged on the cross. Or will it cause the hinge snap instead?


Saturn conjuncts the Ascendant exactly from the 12H. A stern front hidden from view.

The Sabian Symbol for the ASC is "A parrot listening and then talking, repeating a conversation he has overheard". An emphasis that clear communication with understanding is key. Somehow it fits the Mercury Retrograde we are facing, the period where communication breakdowns and misunderstandings would happen and be causing problems during the World Cup matches.

Venus also opposes Saturn (exactly) and conjuncts the DSC in 7th house. Stern-looking faces seen during the event but love and grace shown during actual one-to-one interactions.

There's also 8H Sun and 12H energy going on. North Node in the 12H with Mars, Vesta, Ceres. Collectively, there is still much confusion and frustration ongoing about the games, with much dedication towards making it work. Saturn is also in 12H so there's much going on hidden and not known and harder to understand. Mars is also in exact square with Pluto right now, which might aggravate the hidden frustration.

Mars (which also represent sports) will also move closer and closer to North Node towards the final match (In the final match, Mars-Vesta-Ceres will actually conjunct North Node at 24 Libra (exactly), which is where the auspicious fixed stars Spica/Arctrus are. Sounds brilliant. Would be very interesting to look at the full chart.)

I ran the chart with a lot of asteroids and got carried away. I'll just post the interesting bits.

Interesting Aspects

Hermes conjunct DSC
Pallas conjunct Apollo
Fortuna conjunct BML

Portugal conjunct Jupiter-Abundantia 
Brazil (Brasilia) conjunct Nike
Italy (Italia) conjunct South Node

I think Fortuna conjunct BML might imply an unexpected stroke of luck for the underdogs.

Nike, the Goddess of victory, stands in exact conjunction with Brasilia and near the Sun. It seems the Brazil team is very blessed for the game on their homeland. Or it can mean Brazil will feel extra lucky when wearing Nike (brand) jersey (haha).

Portugal is also in a good spot in conjunction with Jupiter, a sign of expansion and luck. At least Portugal will be very much in the spotlight from the sign of it. However it is also conjuncting fixed stars Pollux/Procyon, which could bring about disputes as Jupiter could go overboard.

I find it hilarious Italy is at the South Node. It makes me wonder if it implies the team is "past tense" in this upcoming World Cup.

I think I'll end here for now.