Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Musings: Game of Thrones Chart Reading

Game of Thrones premiered in the United States on 11 April 2011.

Sun conjuncts Eris (exact) opposite King
Mercury-Jupiter conjuncts Sun in Aries
Eris is the Greek Goddess of Discord who threw the golden apple that initiated the Trojan War. The stage for the War of the Five Kings was set after the golden apple was thrown in discord. A show determined to tell the tale that lasts for years.

Stellium in Aries opposite Saturn in Libra
Many involved in aggressive wars and personal gains determined to fight for their rightful peace and justice.

Pluto square Saturn-Mars opposition
Edda (Eddard Stark) conjuncts Pluto
Eddard Stark sparks off a huge transformation between responsibilities and aggressiveness for war.

Saturn conjuncts Algorab
Algorab is a fixed star in Corvus constellation, the lying crow. Algorab is linked to "craftiness, greediness, ingenuity, patience, revengefulness, passion, selfishness, lying, aggressiveness, and material instincts, and sometimes causes its natives to become agitators". It gives "destructiveness, malevolence, fiendishness, repulsiveness and lying, and is connected with scavenging".

A show on deceitful lies and distribution of untruth in order for personal gains. Crow is also a theme in the show.

Black Moon Lilith conjuncts Uranus
An erratic revelation of the darkest secrets.

Neptune conjuncts Chiron in Pisces
Neptune quincunx Moon
Wounds that heal through dreams and idealized visions, but makes one slightly disillusioned of where they are going.

Amor conjuncts DSC
A story of learning to show unconditional love in partnership, towards enemies and friends.

Juno conjuncts Atlantis in 10H
Atlantis opposite Venus
A commitment towards preserving a powerful civilization. Loveless marriage alliances to boost each other's power.

Pholus conjuncts Valentine in 2H
Turning point happens when true love is found through material gains and finding of self-worth.

Drago (Dragon) at 1 Capricorn
Queen conjuncts Dragon
As the first degree of Capricorn, this placement says, “I produce”, suggesting how our urge to bring tangible results moves from “self” to society as a whole. It's funny here because the queen "produces" the dragons.

Queen conjuncts Union conjuncts North Node in 2H
North Node in Sagittarius
A queen (Daenerys Targaryen) unites many and brings them further by regaining land, freeing people and teaching about self-worth.

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