Sunday, May 18, 2014

Musings: Frozen Chart Reading

Why is Frozen such a popular movie?

This is another of those reading that turned out surprising.

Frozen premiered in the United States on 27 November 2013.

There were 2 dates.

It first premiered in Hollywood on 19 November 2013. On that day, Saturn conjunct Karma. That's a tough aspect out there. I wonder if those people who first watched it knew how far this movie would go.

The move officially premiered on 27 November 2013.

By then Karma conjunct Mercury instead, with Saturn's influence nearby.

Karma conjunct Mercury(exact)-Saturn.
Teachings of karmic lessons on responsibilities through story-tellling and musicality. Tough (due to Saturn) but would be very rewarding when done right.

Jupiter conjuncts BML
When I first saw this scene, I went "She's such a Lilith".

Sure enough, Jupiter conjuncts Black Moon Lilith. Movie expands the idea of BML, the dark secretive part of Elsa that got suppressed because her magical powers wasn't fit to be shown to the world.

Venus-Pluto opposite Jupiter-BML
There's a struggle between manipulative love/possessive love against expansion. Elsa (Lilith) ran away when Anna confronted about why she was avoiding her at the ball.

There's also this very interesting Cradle shape with Mercury-Saturn and Moon-Mars at the base and that Venus-Pluto and Jupiter opposition at the top. This is new to me but I thought this is interesting.

"“The Cradle configuration has two Wedge figures in it, providing two different ways to potentially escape from the stress - or transform it into creativity.

Like the Grand Sextile, the masculine will incline the individual to react with active drive and an independent attitude, lending an extrovert tendency to the individual. The feminine will incline the individual to react more passively with a communal attitude, lending an introvert tendency to the individual.

The more the person can learn to face and resolve the conflict of the opposition, the more they will be able to use the talents and natural abilities in the Cradle in ways that are healthy, constructive and healing."

Anna opposite Saturn
Anna helps to relieve the stress of Saturn's karma.

Psyche conjunct Pholus
Pholus quincux Jupiter-BML
The embracing of the soul triggers the turning point. In this case, it's the accepting of the dark secret.

South Node conjuncts King
North Node conjuncts Circe
The passing of a king, a Circe (an enchantress involved in witchcraft) will bring them further. In this case, it's Elsa with her powers.

Queen conjuncts Valentine
The queen finds love. The queen learns about love.

Pallas conjuncts Atlantis and Sphinx
This is what I find to be most fascinating. Awareness of the fall of a powerful civilization, hence will find ways to stop it from happening again. Sphinx remains a mystery here.

So why is Frozen successful?

Maybe people just want to watch a simple movie that teaches them to face their fears and hidden secrets. BML in the chart can represent the deep subconscious that you are unaware of and never want to confront. It's really that part of the chart that got locked away by limitations in life. And losing the courage to face it could be why you are never whole.

I also love how this ties with Lilith in a more positive light.


I decided to add one more asteroid, Disneya, which is named after Walt Disney.

Disneya conjuncts North Node

Disney did bring it further with their magic. :)

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