This is the chart for Scotland's referendum for independence. The polls start at 7am so I pulled this chart to mark the event.
Something that I want to state first is that there are really many many charts to look at for matters like these. I've seen country charts, union charts, politician natal charts being used by other astrologers but I'm just not fond of searching for those charts due to the difficulty in determining the "best date/time to use".
I did however use another chart to sort out the significators.
Virgo Ascendant at 26 Virgo
The Sabian Symbol for this chart is "A boy with a censer serves near the priest at the altar."
Ability to find inspiration in daily routine. Hope arising in the midst of all deadness of heart. Rejuvenation of spirit.
The significator of Scotland is Mercury, an intellectual sign.
Mercury is in Libra, in the 2nd house. House of possession and money and self-worth.
In Libra, Scots want fairness and equality for themselves in terms of land (possessions), economy (money). But Libra is also the sign of indecisiveness.
Mercury conjuncts the North Node.
The decision to be independent or not will drive us all further that day. It's crazy to think of how this all play out for themselves, and the after-effects it has on the UK and the other countries who want independence and are looking at Scotland to push the first domino.
The co-ruler for Scotland is the Moon (emotions).
Moon is in Cancer, domcile, in the 10th house. House of government and authority. But this is being intercepted.
In Cancer, Scots feel they really want their home back. They want a sense of security but they also have sentimental thoughts about it. Interestingly, Moon conjuncts Juno here, showing how their commitment level to making this work.
Moon also conjuncts POF, which is a harmonious sign of getting what they want but all these are intercepted in the 10th house. I feel like their true emotions on the matter somehow wasn't really expressed out as conveyed in the news.
The significator for the UK would be the 10th house ruler, which is Mercury. But after looking at another chart, I feel maybe the 7th house ruler would make sense. After all, who you are breaking up with would be considered an "open enemy" or a partner.
The significator for the UK would be Jupiter (traditional ruler of Pisces).
Jupiter is in Leo, a sign of royalty. Jupiter lies in the 11th house, house of hope and wishes. It is also the house of social groups, freedom and equality. Notice how Queen asteroid sits together with Jupiter. Jupiter also trines Uranus. The Queen wants to be impartial on the matter and let Scots decide for themselves.
A closer look at the chart, starting from the Ascendent.
Venus under Sun's beams in 12H.
There are hidden matters residing in the 12th house that have not been revealed. Venus is the ruler of 2H, house of possessions/money/self-worth and 9H, house of travel, religion, learning and foreign matters. Venus is also in its fall in Virgo so Venus is very much weakened and hidden away by the Sun.
Sun is the ruler of 11th, house of hopes and wishes and also groups. Sun represents the wishes Scots have.
Perhaps, it is talking about the weakening of foreign ties, finance problems that Scotland faces that's worrying but hidden away by all those campaigning to steer Scots into voting "Yes" or "No". Or it could be talking about how the foreign voters (non-Scots) feel about the situation, a sense of helplessness from their side.
Sun conjuncts Ascendent, from 12H.
It is a sign that the truth of their wishes will prevail shortly. Very interesting chart here as the results from the vote will be announced the next day and that's when Sun crosses the Ascendent into the 1st house and gets exposed to the world.
Venus and Mercury in mutual reception
Venus in Mercury's exaltion and domicile.
Mercury in Venus's domicile.
Venus (non-Scots) and Mercury (Scots) in mutual reception shows that non-Scots are supportive and respectful for what Scots want though. Non-Scots admire Scots' courage and decision. Scots understand non-Scots situation and their decision for voting "No". As there is no aspect between them, I suppose it is a sign majority of foreign voters will be voting "No" due to their weakened position..
Mercury opposite Uranus.
Moon squaring Mercury
Moon (emotions) is perfecting square with Mercury. It seems to me that it is a sign of emotions against decision for the matter on hand.
Uranus is the sign of freedom, but in retrograde.
Something interesting that I just found out is that the Uranus in the 24 March 2016 chart (stipulated date of independence for Scotland if it happens) would be at 20 Aries, which conjuncts South Node of this chart.
Moon in Jupiter's exaltion
This shows the high regards the Scots still have for the Queen and the royal family.
Moon and Saturn in negative reception.
Mercury in Saturn's exaltion
I am thinking Saturn just might be the significator for the government as after all it is a sign of authority. I do not follow the news that closely but after viewing how the PM, David Cameron tried to persuade the Scots to rethink and the warning he gave that didn't come out well, Saturn really suits the situation. To a certain extend, they still hold him in high regard but emotionally, there is a dislike going on.
Mercury and Mars in negative reception
Moon in Mars' fall
Mars squaring Neptune
This is where I am a little stumped. Mars is the ruler of the 3rd, house of communication and 8th, house of fear, inheritance, transformations. Mars is also in Sagittarius, also a sign of freedom but in the spiritual sense.
Perhaps the information sent out (reporting) that day about the polling would not be to the Scots' liking. Or perhaps it means that their uncertainty of the unknown were not received well by them. Mars approaching perfect square with Neptune shows the closer the date, the more fear and lack of clarity of the matter.
Mars is also the turned 2nd house of the 7th.
With Mercury and Moon both in Mars' detriment and fall, the Scots feel mistreated when it comes to monetary matters of the UK.
Perhaps the Scots had thought that the UK would still help them financially but nope. Perhaps the UK thought they would be fine financially or that their reputation would be fine after the results are out but nope, the perfecting square with Neptune brings about more disillusion.
I want to say I know what's going on but there's just so much going on with this chart.
Mercury in Libra wants fairness but is fickle minded till the last minute.
There is also a mystic rectangle (Moon, Venus, Pluto, Chiron) which is a good sign but 2 planets are intercepted.
There is a kite with Venus/Sun driving the Grand Water Trine of Moon, Saturn, Chiron. But Venus is weakened so can it really drive the kite? Sun holds the power and is in Mercury's exaltion too. Moon's next and last aspect before polling closes would be the sextile to Sun. The communal effort to making this work is strong though with interceptions.
A part of me wonders whether what Scotland wants is true independence, due to the lack of Aquarius sign in this chart.
Or perhaps it's the fight needed to find hope amongst past unhappiness with their current ruler.
Sun conjuncts asteroid Elpis and Union the day after.
Maybe there is a way to bind hope with union, or rather the Union. :)
Mercury conjuncts Spica 2 days after.
They feel lucky and blessed after the outcome.
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