There's a supermoon going on. I thought I'll do the chart.
Did some research and apparently, there are 3 supermoons for 2014, consecutively for the month of July, August and September.
Supermoon is also known as the perigee moon. It is when the moon is closest to the Earth and so it appears bigger. It is then when I realized that this is how Priapus point (Lunar Perigee) and perhaps BML (Lunar Apogee) apply in a chart. So look at the chart of the moment.
Sun conjuncts BML
Moon conjuncts Priapus
Sun-BML opposite Moon-Priapus
Saturn squares Sun and Moon opposition (exact)
I've thought that BML point is always opposite Priapus point. Apparently it isn't true. But well, it is true for this chart.
Supermoon sounds incredibly awesome and way better than the normal moon but I feel it's quite the opposite astrologically. The moon affects tidal waves and all our emotions. The closer the moon, the more emotional we get. Like Priapus, you'll feel the urge to get closer to someone but feel disappointed when you are told you are over the top with your emotions.
Strangely enough, today's Moon is in Aquarius, a place which I feel is void of emotions. Untameable BML-Sun in Leo (own rulership) is also opposing the Moon. These are 2 strong energies working against each other with Saturn caught in the middle. Really not sure how things are going to work out. Perhaps Saturn will settle the fight between the two.
Sun is in Saturn's detriment.
Moon is in Saturn's domicile.
Saturn is in Moon's fall.
Saturn helps Moon but Moon does not appreciate.
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