Hong Kong's Occupy Central campaign officially started at 1.40am on 28 September 2014. The "Umbrella Revolution"/pro-democracy protest was triggered when China said it would vet candidates for Hong Kong's 2017 leadership election
Ascendant for the chart is 2 Leo. Sabian Symbol "An epidemic of mumps".
Significator for the protest/protesters is Sun.
Sun in Libra, in 3H.
Sun conjuncts Atlantis
Sun is in 3rd house of communication. They express themselves through this protest for they really want their words to be made known. However Sun is in Libra, at its fall. A very weak position to be in, getting their words out. Sun's conjunction with Atlantis acts as a reminder of past mistakes/event being repeated again and that caution should be taken (Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989).
Co-significator for the protesters is Moon.
Moon is in Scorpio, in 4H and intercepted.
Moon is at its fall and intercepted. Moon doesn't feel happy about certain things happening in their homeland (4H) but they can't express themselves.
Significator for HK government or the chief executive (CY Leung) would be Mars.
Mars is in Sagittarius, in 5H.
He cares about the "children" of Hong Kong. Most of the people involved in the protests are the younger generation, youths and students.
Sun is in Mars' detriment.
The protesters do not like CY very much. Being in detriment and in negative reception, there's a passive aggressive attitude towards Mars.
Significator for China government would be 7th house ruler, Saturn.
Since China is trying to vet the selection of candidates, they appear to be the open enemy (7H).
Saturn is in Scorpio, in 4th house and intercepted.
Saturn is in his 10th turned house and intercepted.
China doesn't want to express its position publicly. There's some holding back on voicing her opinion as she wants to keep it private.
Mars receives Saturn in Scorpio
CY Leung receives China well but China doesn't really care about him.
Sun in Saturn's exaltion
The protesters or Hong Kongers actually do respect China very much than people think.
The significator for 3rd house of communication would be Mercury.
Mercury in Libra, conjuncts IC
Mercury conjuncts Asteroid Hong Kong
It appears the spreading of information through protest is at the last degree of Libra. It's a little last-minute desperate attempt, but is also heartfelt from the soul about the unfairness of their system.
As of now, Venus has entered Libra and Mercury has entered Scorpio. Moon is in Capricorn.
Venus is hidden under Sun's beams for a few more days. Venus rules the 4th house, house of family and also stability.
When Venus was in Virgo and at its fall and the Hong Kongers were feeling insecure about their home. Although now Venus is domicile in Libra (strong), the Sun is hiding it. Sun here would be the protestors. And Sun is weaker since it is at its fall. Perhaps it means that Hong Kongers do feel secure about their situation but the current protest has been concealing it instead. When Venus is no longer under Sun's beams, we will find out that they are actually secure and safe and not chaotic as media can sometimes portray. They just want fairness and justice (Libra).
Mercury moves into Scorpio. Mars receives Mercury well.
I didn't finish the reading as I needed rest. :\
I feel the protest is weak attempt due to Sun being in Libra (detriment).
So during this whole period, I think the protest wasn't achieving much as it would like to achieve. Mercury has also just turned retrograde in Scorpio towards Libra. There is however a kite formation with Sun-Venus conjunction (12 Libra) driving the fire trine so it is still going somewhere. In 2 days, Sun will sextile Mars and Sun will also perfect the kite.
I look at the transits today and realize that Venus would be under Sun's beams for the whole period of Sun's transit in Libra (until 23 October). :\
Venus would then get combust by Sun when Sun moves into Scorpio.
The strongest moment i can see would be Sun cazimi with Venus, which would be on 24 October 2014. There's actually a Sun-Moon-Venus conjunction and a partial solar eclipse on 23 October ( probably 24 October for Hong Kong time). I do not know if it has anything to do with the protest but it can possibly be a big move towards something.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Monday, September 15, 2014
Astrology Chart - Scotland Independence Referendum 2014
This is the chart for Scotland's referendum for independence. The polls start at 7am so I pulled this chart to mark the event.
Something that I want to state first is that there are really many many charts to look at for matters like these. I've seen country charts, union charts, politician natal charts being used by other astrologers but I'm just not fond of searching for those charts due to the difficulty in determining the "best date/time to use".
I did however use another chart to sort out the significators.
Virgo Ascendant at 26 Virgo
The Sabian Symbol for this chart is "A boy with a censer serves near the priest at the altar."
Ability to find inspiration in daily routine. Hope arising in the midst of all deadness of heart. Rejuvenation of spirit.
The significator of Scotland is Mercury, an intellectual sign.
Mercury is in Libra, in the 2nd house. House of possession and money and self-worth.
In Libra, Scots want fairness and equality for themselves in terms of land (possessions), economy (money). But Libra is also the sign of indecisiveness.
Mercury conjuncts the North Node.
The decision to be independent or not will drive us all further that day. It's crazy to think of how this all play out for themselves, and the after-effects it has on the UK and the other countries who want independence and are looking at Scotland to push the first domino.
The co-ruler for Scotland is the Moon (emotions).
Moon is in Cancer, domcile, in the 10th house. House of government and authority. But this is being intercepted.
In Cancer, Scots feel they really want their home back. They want a sense of security but they also have sentimental thoughts about it. Interestingly, Moon conjuncts Juno here, showing how their commitment level to making this work.
Moon also conjuncts POF, which is a harmonious sign of getting what they want but all these are intercepted in the 10th house. I feel like their true emotions on the matter somehow wasn't really expressed out as conveyed in the news.
The significator for the UK would be the 10th house ruler, which is Mercury. But after looking at another chart, I feel maybe the 7th house ruler would make sense. After all, who you are breaking up with would be considered an "open enemy" or a partner.
The significator for the UK would be Jupiter (traditional ruler of Pisces).
Jupiter is in Leo, a sign of royalty. Jupiter lies in the 11th house, house of hope and wishes. It is also the house of social groups, freedom and equality. Notice how Queen asteroid sits together with Jupiter. Jupiter also trines Uranus. The Queen wants to be impartial on the matter and let Scots decide for themselves.
A closer look at the chart, starting from the Ascendent.
Venus under Sun's beams in 12H.
There are hidden matters residing in the 12th house that have not been revealed. Venus is the ruler of 2H, house of possessions/money/self-worth and 9H, house of travel, religion, learning and foreign matters. Venus is also in its fall in Virgo so Venus is very much weakened and hidden away by the Sun.
Sun is the ruler of 11th, house of hopes and wishes and also groups. Sun represents the wishes Scots have.
Perhaps, it is talking about the weakening of foreign ties, finance problems that Scotland faces that's worrying but hidden away by all those campaigning to steer Scots into voting "Yes" or "No". Or it could be talking about how the foreign voters (non-Scots) feel about the situation, a sense of helplessness from their side.
Sun conjuncts Ascendent, from 12H.
It is a sign that the truth of their wishes will prevail shortly. Very interesting chart here as the results from the vote will be announced the next day and that's when Sun crosses the Ascendent into the 1st house and gets exposed to the world.
Venus and Mercury in mutual reception
Venus in Mercury's exaltion and domicile.
Mercury in Venus's domicile.
Venus (non-Scots) and Mercury (Scots) in mutual reception shows that non-Scots are supportive and respectful for what Scots want though. Non-Scots admire Scots' courage and decision. Scots understand non-Scots situation and their decision for voting "No". As there is no aspect between them, I suppose it is a sign majority of foreign voters will be voting "No" due to their weakened position..
Mercury opposite Uranus.
Moon squaring Mercury
Moon (emotions) is perfecting square with Mercury. It seems to me that it is a sign of emotions against decision for the matter on hand.
Uranus is the sign of freedom, but in retrograde.
Something interesting that I just found out is that the Uranus in the 24 March 2016 chart (stipulated date of independence for Scotland if it happens) would be at 20 Aries, which conjuncts South Node of this chart.
Moon in Jupiter's exaltion
This shows the high regards the Scots still have for the Queen and the royal family.
Moon and Saturn in negative reception.
Mercury in Saturn's exaltion
I am thinking Saturn just might be the significator for the government as after all it is a sign of authority. I do not follow the news that closely but after viewing how the PM, David Cameron tried to persuade the Scots to rethink and the warning he gave that didn't come out well, Saturn really suits the situation. To a certain extend, they still hold him in high regard but emotionally, there is a dislike going on.
Mercury and Mars in negative reception
Moon in Mars' fall
Mars squaring Neptune
This is where I am a little stumped. Mars is the ruler of the 3rd, house of communication and 8th, house of fear, inheritance, transformations. Mars is also in Sagittarius, also a sign of freedom but in the spiritual sense.
Perhaps the information sent out (reporting) that day about the polling would not be to the Scots' liking. Or perhaps it means that their uncertainty of the unknown were not received well by them. Mars approaching perfect square with Neptune shows the closer the date, the more fear and lack of clarity of the matter.
Mars is also the turned 2nd house of the 7th.
With Mercury and Moon both in Mars' detriment and fall, the Scots feel mistreated when it comes to monetary matters of the UK.
Perhaps the Scots had thought that the UK would still help them financially but nope. Perhaps the UK thought they would be fine financially or that their reputation would be fine after the results are out but nope, the perfecting square with Neptune brings about more disillusion.
I want to say I know what's going on but there's just so much going on with this chart.
Mercury in Libra wants fairness but is fickle minded till the last minute.
There is also a mystic rectangle (Moon, Venus, Pluto, Chiron) which is a good sign but 2 planets are intercepted.
There is a kite with Venus/Sun driving the Grand Water Trine of Moon, Saturn, Chiron. But Venus is weakened so can it really drive the kite? Sun holds the power and is in Mercury's exaltion too. Moon's next and last aspect before polling closes would be the sextile to Sun. The communal effort to making this work is strong though with interceptions.
A part of me wonders whether what Scotland wants is true independence, due to the lack of Aquarius sign in this chart.
Or perhaps it's the fight needed to find hope amongst past unhappiness with their current ruler.
Sun conjuncts asteroid Elpis and Union the day after.
Maybe there is a way to bind hope with union, or rather the Union. :)
Mercury conjuncts Spica 2 days after.
They feel lucky and blessed after the outcome.
Something that I want to state first is that there are really many many charts to look at for matters like these. I've seen country charts, union charts, politician natal charts being used by other astrologers but I'm just not fond of searching for those charts due to the difficulty in determining the "best date/time to use".
I did however use another chart to sort out the significators.
Virgo Ascendant at 26 Virgo
The Sabian Symbol for this chart is "A boy with a censer serves near the priest at the altar."
Ability to find inspiration in daily routine. Hope arising in the midst of all deadness of heart. Rejuvenation of spirit.
The significator of Scotland is Mercury, an intellectual sign.
Mercury is in Libra, in the 2nd house. House of possession and money and self-worth.
In Libra, Scots want fairness and equality for themselves in terms of land (possessions), economy (money). But Libra is also the sign of indecisiveness.
Mercury conjuncts the North Node.
The decision to be independent or not will drive us all further that day. It's crazy to think of how this all play out for themselves, and the after-effects it has on the UK and the other countries who want independence and are looking at Scotland to push the first domino.
The co-ruler for Scotland is the Moon (emotions).
Moon is in Cancer, domcile, in the 10th house. House of government and authority. But this is being intercepted.
In Cancer, Scots feel they really want their home back. They want a sense of security but they also have sentimental thoughts about it. Interestingly, Moon conjuncts Juno here, showing how their commitment level to making this work.
Moon also conjuncts POF, which is a harmonious sign of getting what they want but all these are intercepted in the 10th house. I feel like their true emotions on the matter somehow wasn't really expressed out as conveyed in the news.
The significator for the UK would be the 10th house ruler, which is Mercury. But after looking at another chart, I feel maybe the 7th house ruler would make sense. After all, who you are breaking up with would be considered an "open enemy" or a partner.
The significator for the UK would be Jupiter (traditional ruler of Pisces).
Jupiter is in Leo, a sign of royalty. Jupiter lies in the 11th house, house of hope and wishes. It is also the house of social groups, freedom and equality. Notice how Queen asteroid sits together with Jupiter. Jupiter also trines Uranus. The Queen wants to be impartial on the matter and let Scots decide for themselves.
A closer look at the chart, starting from the Ascendent.
Venus under Sun's beams in 12H.
There are hidden matters residing in the 12th house that have not been revealed. Venus is the ruler of 2H, house of possessions/money/self-worth and 9H, house of travel, religion, learning and foreign matters. Venus is also in its fall in Virgo so Venus is very much weakened and hidden away by the Sun.
Sun is the ruler of 11th, house of hopes and wishes and also groups. Sun represents the wishes Scots have.
Perhaps, it is talking about the weakening of foreign ties, finance problems that Scotland faces that's worrying but hidden away by all those campaigning to steer Scots into voting "Yes" or "No". Or it could be talking about how the foreign voters (non-Scots) feel about the situation, a sense of helplessness from their side.
Sun conjuncts Ascendent, from 12H.
It is a sign that the truth of their wishes will prevail shortly. Very interesting chart here as the results from the vote will be announced the next day and that's when Sun crosses the Ascendent into the 1st house and gets exposed to the world.
Venus and Mercury in mutual reception
Venus in Mercury's exaltion and domicile.
Mercury in Venus's domicile.
Venus (non-Scots) and Mercury (Scots) in mutual reception shows that non-Scots are supportive and respectful for what Scots want though. Non-Scots admire Scots' courage and decision. Scots understand non-Scots situation and their decision for voting "No". As there is no aspect between them, I suppose it is a sign majority of foreign voters will be voting "No" due to their weakened position..
Mercury opposite Uranus.
Moon squaring Mercury
Moon (emotions) is perfecting square with Mercury. It seems to me that it is a sign of emotions against decision for the matter on hand.
Uranus is the sign of freedom, but in retrograde.
Something interesting that I just found out is that the Uranus in the 24 March 2016 chart (stipulated date of independence for Scotland if it happens) would be at 20 Aries, which conjuncts South Node of this chart.
Moon in Jupiter's exaltion
This shows the high regards the Scots still have for the Queen and the royal family.
Moon and Saturn in negative reception.
Mercury in Saturn's exaltion
I am thinking Saturn just might be the significator for the government as after all it is a sign of authority. I do not follow the news that closely but after viewing how the PM, David Cameron tried to persuade the Scots to rethink and the warning he gave that didn't come out well, Saturn really suits the situation. To a certain extend, they still hold him in high regard but emotionally, there is a dislike going on.
Mercury and Mars in negative reception
Moon in Mars' fall
Mars squaring Neptune
This is where I am a little stumped. Mars is the ruler of the 3rd, house of communication and 8th, house of fear, inheritance, transformations. Mars is also in Sagittarius, also a sign of freedom but in the spiritual sense.
Perhaps the information sent out (reporting) that day about the polling would not be to the Scots' liking. Or perhaps it means that their uncertainty of the unknown were not received well by them. Mars approaching perfect square with Neptune shows the closer the date, the more fear and lack of clarity of the matter.
Mars is also the turned 2nd house of the 7th.
With Mercury and Moon both in Mars' detriment and fall, the Scots feel mistreated when it comes to monetary matters of the UK.
Perhaps the Scots had thought that the UK would still help them financially but nope. Perhaps the UK thought they would be fine financially or that their reputation would be fine after the results are out but nope, the perfecting square with Neptune brings about more disillusion.
I want to say I know what's going on but there's just so much going on with this chart.
Mercury in Libra wants fairness but is fickle minded till the last minute.
There is also a mystic rectangle (Moon, Venus, Pluto, Chiron) which is a good sign but 2 planets are intercepted.
There is a kite with Venus/Sun driving the Grand Water Trine of Moon, Saturn, Chiron. But Venus is weakened so can it really drive the kite? Sun holds the power and is in Mercury's exaltion too. Moon's next and last aspect before polling closes would be the sextile to Sun. The communal effort to making this work is strong though with interceptions.
A part of me wonders whether what Scotland wants is true independence, due to the lack of Aquarius sign in this chart.
Or perhaps it's the fight needed to find hope amongst past unhappiness with their current ruler.
Sun conjuncts asteroid Elpis and Union the day after.
Maybe there is a way to bind hope with union, or rather the Union. :)
Mercury conjuncts Spica 2 days after.
They feel lucky and blessed after the outcome.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Musings: MH17 and 8 of Clubs
I was thinking of going through the MH17 chart again.
I happened to watch the news today and the news regarding the latest MH17 investigation report findings by Dutch investigators came on. I had no idea it was going to be released.
And then the news was playing and showing footage of the wreckage from MH17. The camera focused on a playing card lying on the ground alone. I didn't catch the number but noticed the placement of the clubs (two at the bottom row, 1 in the middle of the second bottom row).
And so I figured out it was the 8 of Clubs.
Even playing cards have meanings. They work like tarot cards.
8 of Clubs - Mastery through Power of Mind
The tarot card equivalent would be Eight of Wands.
Eight of Wands - Swift changes, approaching completion.
I still can't make sense of this. Though while searching for answers, I find it fascinating how people picked up lost playing cards, or should I say, how certain playing cards found their way into these people's lives.
I happened to watch the news today and the news regarding the latest MH17 investigation report findings by Dutch investigators came on. I had no idea it was going to be released.
And then the news was playing and showing footage of the wreckage from MH17. The camera focused on a playing card lying on the ground alone. I didn't catch the number but noticed the placement of the clubs (two at the bottom row, 1 in the middle of the second bottom row).
And so I figured out it was the 8 of Clubs.
Even playing cards have meanings. They work like tarot cards.
8 of Clubs - Mastery through Power of Mind
The tarot card equivalent would be Eight of Wands.
Eight of Wands - Swift changes, approaching completion.
I still can't make sense of this. Though while searching for answers, I find it fascinating how people picked up lost playing cards, or should I say, how certain playing cards found their way into these people's lives.
Monday, September 8, 2014
Musings: Discovery Chart of the 'God Particle' / Higgs Boson Particle
I first found out about the God particle (Higgs Boson particle) and the LHC a month ago and couldn't figure out the chart.
I decided to look at it again today after reading what Stephen Hawking said about the God Particle could potentially destroy the world.
This is the chart for when the discovery was first announced at the CERN on 4 July 2012.
Asteroid 7672 Hawking conjuncts MC of this chart.
How did he make it there? One must wonder.
I can't handle doing the full chart for the time being. There's just too many things in it.
Significator of the discovery is Sun.
Sun conjuncts Sirius in 11H
Sirius is the dog-star.
I used to think that equation was ridiculous until I read that dogs teach us unconditional love, just like God.
DOG means 'Discovery of God'.
GOD means 'God of Discovery'
At the discovery of the "God" particle, one strives to be the "God" of discovery.
Sirius represents fame, honour, ambitious but can also be dangerous with too much ambition in mind.
And that's just Sun.
Jupiter, Moon, Mars are all in their detriment signs which don't look too good.
I'll work on this when I'm ready.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Astrology Chart - The Beheading of James Foley
I have been meaning to write about this for a while and just hours ago, before the announcement of the second journalist (Steven Sotloff) by ISIS was announced. Maybe it's time to.
James Foley, an American journalist based in Syria, was said to have been beheaded in a video by an ISIS militant as retribution for the United States’ intervention against ISIS in Iraq on 19 August 2014.
I did not watch the video but heard parts of the audio and James' speech, which was moving but also sounded scripted.
This is his birth chart (time unknown).
Sun conjuncts Uranus in Spica (exact)
He is an eccentric individual who expresses strongly about justice and fairness and freedom. The exact conjunction in Spica is something that I deemed to be very lucky. His very lucky aspect would explain his previous encounters of being captured and then released without harm.
Mercury conjuncts Eros
Mercury trine Moon
He is a very passionate speaker, very capable of conveying his emotions.
Pallas conjuncts Psyche
I think he is someone very intuitive too and sensitive, someone very in touch with how his inner soul feels.
Asteroid Karma conjuncts Asteroid America
America-Karma squares Sun-Uranus (exact)
Now this is the aspect that bothers me.
It probably says that America affects his Karma or of his karmic ties with America. This however is squaring his Sun (self-expression). How he feels about freedom in Syria will act against the karma he has with America.
I probably don't make sense. Maybe the better way of phrasing would be his eccentric ways of self-expression (fighting for freedom through journalism even if it means getting into dangerous scenarios) got him into situations where he's opposing his karma with America.
Now when I first heard the news of him being beheaded by ISIS, my first instinct was to check for Algol the fixed star (27 Taurus) and I was expecting to see harsh aspects to it in his birth chart.
Algol links to the story of Medusa who got her head chopped off by Perseus. It has a meaning of "losing one's head" to it. Just weeks before this, I happened to read about Algol's influence in cases involving beheading. I didn't even actively search for it for I do not like dealing with violent deaths. It was just strange that I got to find out that piece of information before this happened.
I did not see any influence in his chart. Given how they announced the nature of his death and the horrifying impact it has on the world, one would expect to see "violent death" in his chart.
No planets on Algol or harsh aspects. Asteroid Isis is at 1 Libra, not really conjuncting Pluto as the orb is wide. The Sabian symbol for ISIS (or Isis asteroid) in his chart is "A Butterfly Made Perfect by a Dart Through It". I also went through some other asteroids to check.
After much thought, I do not believe he was beheaded as reported. I also do not see ISIS's involvement since asteroid Isis really isn't doing much in his chart. Perhaps knowing his time of birth (Ascendant - DSC) would show such influence but I have doubts over it changing anything.
I also think Spica puts him in a safe spot and keeps him safe.
"An astrologist can't predict death, but I can foresee non-death." - Linda Goodman
James Foley, an American journalist based in Syria, was said to have been beheaded in a video by an ISIS militant as retribution for the United States’ intervention against ISIS in Iraq on 19 August 2014.
I did not watch the video but heard parts of the audio and James' speech, which was moving but also sounded scripted.
This is his birth chart (time unknown).
Sun conjuncts Uranus in Spica (exact)
He is an eccentric individual who expresses strongly about justice and fairness and freedom. The exact conjunction in Spica is something that I deemed to be very lucky. His very lucky aspect would explain his previous encounters of being captured and then released without harm.
Mercury conjuncts Eros
Mercury trine Moon
He is a very passionate speaker, very capable of conveying his emotions.
Pallas conjuncts Psyche
I think he is someone very intuitive too and sensitive, someone very in touch with how his inner soul feels.
Asteroid Karma conjuncts Asteroid America
America-Karma squares Sun-Uranus (exact)
Now this is the aspect that bothers me.
It probably says that America affects his Karma or of his karmic ties with America. This however is squaring his Sun (self-expression). How he feels about freedom in Syria will act against the karma he has with America.
I probably don't make sense. Maybe the better way of phrasing would be his eccentric ways of self-expression (fighting for freedom through journalism even if it means getting into dangerous scenarios) got him into situations where he's opposing his karma with America.
Now when I first heard the news of him being beheaded by ISIS, my first instinct was to check for Algol the fixed star (27 Taurus) and I was expecting to see harsh aspects to it in his birth chart.
Algol links to the story of Medusa who got her head chopped off by Perseus. It has a meaning of "losing one's head" to it. Just weeks before this, I happened to read about Algol's influence in cases involving beheading. I didn't even actively search for it for I do not like dealing with violent deaths. It was just strange that I got to find out that piece of information before this happened.
I also checked Isis asteroid (used as a name asteroid). The original meaning of Isis refers to the Egyptian goddess but somewhat the appearance of ISIS (the group) has tainted its name.
I did not see any influence in his chart. Given how they announced the nature of his death and the horrifying impact it has on the world, one would expect to see "violent death" in his chart.
No planets on Algol or harsh aspects. Asteroid Isis is at 1 Libra, not really conjuncting Pluto as the orb is wide. The Sabian symbol for ISIS (or Isis asteroid) in his chart is "A Butterfly Made Perfect by a Dart Through It". I also went through some other asteroids to check.
After much thought, I do not believe he was beheaded as reported. I also do not see ISIS's involvement since asteroid Isis really isn't doing much in his chart. Perhaps knowing his time of birth (Ascendant - DSC) would show such influence but I have doubts over it changing anything.
I also think Spica puts him in a safe spot and keeps him safe.
"An astrologist can't predict death, but I can foresee non-death." - Linda Goodman
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Musings: Chart for Ice Bucket Challenge
The ongoing Ice Bucket Challenge trend started as a challenge to promote awareness for ALS through a fun challenge of dumping a bucket of ice water on oneself to express the numbness felt by ALS patients, raise donations and spread awareness to others through tagging.
However it seems to be getting out of control. I feel that more people are doing it for the fun factor as opposed to spreading the message of awareness. The usage of water in this whole challenge is of concern. I also worry about people getting injured in the midst of trying to over-impress other people with their videos.
I cast the chart with "water karma" in mind. Water related asteroids are also used.
The date/time was obtained through Wikipedia. First time it was broadcast on TV and of when the first challenge was accepted.
Sabian symbol for ASC is "A woman awaiting a sailboat".
I have seen this symbol before and link it very strongly to story of Atlantis. It is one of the special Sabian degrees for Atlantis. (Asteroid Atlantis Discovery Date Chart - I have not written much on what I really learnt from studying Atlantis.) The gods decided to punish the Atlanteans with a flood for their arrogance and behaviour. The degree speaks to me of the woman waiting for the sailboat to be saved when the city of Atlantis is getting flooded.
Significator for the whole challenge idea is Moon.
Moon in Leo sits in the 2nd house, house of money and self-worth. Moon also conjuncts BML.
There is concern to raise money and idea of generosity towards giving money. There is concern to build a reputation to perhaps boost a Leo-like ego. The BML conjunction is probably why this is spreading like fire and untamable.
Jupiter, the sign of expansion and teachings, lies in the first house. Jupiter rules 6th house (health - ALS) and 9th house (teachings). It holds true for what this idea is about, spreading awareness about ALS. Jupiter is also exalted here in Cancer.
The significator for the community effort, as a collective group, would be Venus (11th house).
Venus lies in 11th house, conjuncting Juno. They are committed in doing good as a community. Since Venus is in Gemini, it is more so through talking, communication, in this case, viral videos.
Venus squares Neptune (9th). Unfortunately, the effort doesn't work out as what one imagines it to be, in the form of awareness teachings.
Significator for the 2nd house (money, self-worth) is Sun.
Sun in Cancer lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 3rd house (messages, communication) and 12th house is Mercury.
Mercury in Gemini (domicile) lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 5th house (fun, self-expression) is Mars, and Pluto (modern astrology)
Mars in Libra (detriment) lies in 4th house.
Pluto in Capricorn lies in 6th house.
In the chart, I can see the Grand Cardinal Cross involving Sun, Mars, Pluto and Uranus.
There is also a distinct kite with Pluto driving it. A lot of fun used to drive all the energy from (Sun, Neptune, Saturn) in the the name of health matters.
In the chart, I also see a glaring Jupiter-Varuna conjunction. Varuna is the Vedic god of water and ocean. More often seen as a punisher of divine justice.
On 15 July, the challenge was brought to mainstream audiences and got national attention and that's when the tagging started going.
Transits for that day
Sun conjuncts Poseidon at 23 Cancer
Moon conjuncts Neptune at 7 Pisces
Mars/Spica/North Node conjunct IC
Eris conjuncts MC
Chiron conjuncts POF
Venus (11th) intercepted in 11th
Mercury (3rd) in 11th
Jupiter (9th) in 12th, conjuncts ASC (also combust by Sun (1st,2nd))
That's when Sun crosses into 1st house for 1st chart and was "brought to light" from the 12th.
In mid- August, that's when it spread really fast and crazy. That's around the time when Venus (11th) conjuncts Jupiter (6th, 9th). The community effort to teach about health was at its peak and force keeps expanding.
On 16 August, the co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge was found dead from drowning after raising funds for ALS. He was described to be very happy and "in paradise" after the successful fundraiser.
This chart is based on the time his body was found.
His significator would be Moon. Moon also rules the 2nd house (self-worth and money)
Moon is in 11th house. Moon is in Taurus, exalted. It describes his excitement about money (Taurus) towards community (11th). At exaltion, it can mean arrogrance or inflated sense of self.
Moon's last aspect was a sextile with Neptune (in 9th), and square with Jupiter (in 2nd).
What happened is sad.
I couldn't help noticing Poseidon conjuncting IC (end of matters).
I have just read there are also other deaths/injuries found whether related directly or indirectly after the Ice Bucket Challenge. There's one guy who's said to have jumped into a quarry and died of drowning after doing the challenge
It's really quite sad to read about those.
Astrology aside, this is a good read on the cold shock that happens to the body that can cause drowning.
Going back to the first chart.
8th house is called the house of death/transformation.
8th house significator would be Saturn (traditional) or Uranus (modern).
If you are traditional, you would have restriction and be disciplined on conception of fun in the 5th house.
If you are modern, the eccentric side of you would be trying very hard to impress through social media (10th house/MC).
Mars conjuncts Saturn.
Venus squares Mars/Saturn.
It's also when people start realizing the dangers the Challenge can cause just to bring fun and boast about it (5th, 10th) and its consequences when people start doing stunts to impress.
The 7th house significator is also Saturn.
7th house here would represent other charity organizations.
While some other organizations have benefited indirectly from some donations due to the Ice Bucket Challenge's hype, the overall donation towards other organizations would drop drastically since a good amount have gone towards ALS.
This comes to light as Venus squares Saturn, when people start realizing this is another consequence of a hyped up trend.
Did the Ice Bucket Challenge really teach anything?
Transit Sun crosses Atlantis (as I write this)
Neptune in 9th.
Perhaps something is taught, but just not apparent. Also note Neptune's presence (watery symbol, Poseidon's other name).
When you put out challenges out there that it's ok to drop a bucket of water over your head in the name of charity, the consequences that follow snowball.
You have just taught the future generations it is ok to waste resources just to get donations.
You have just taught them outdoing each other just to get more donations is fine.
Viewing through rose-tainted glasses that all will be right when it isn't clearly right.
It causes a drought in the form of money towards other charity organizations.
It causes a drought in the form of water.
It passes on flawed mentality in the younger ones that might bite in the future.
I wish it will stop.
They have raised enough money and enough awareness (in name, not necessarily in the disease ALS). There's no need to spill more water over it.
However it seems to be getting out of control. I feel that more people are doing it for the fun factor as opposed to spreading the message of awareness. The usage of water in this whole challenge is of concern. I also worry about people getting injured in the midst of trying to over-impress other people with their videos.
I cast the chart with "water karma" in mind. Water related asteroids are also used.
The date/time was obtained through Wikipedia. First time it was broadcast on TV and of when the first challenge was accepted.
Sabian symbol for ASC is "A woman awaiting a sailboat".
I have seen this symbol before and link it very strongly to story of Atlantis. It is one of the special Sabian degrees for Atlantis. (Asteroid Atlantis Discovery Date Chart - I have not written much on what I really learnt from studying Atlantis.) The gods decided to punish the Atlanteans with a flood for their arrogance and behaviour. The degree speaks to me of the woman waiting for the sailboat to be saved when the city of Atlantis is getting flooded.
Significator for the whole challenge idea is Moon.
Moon in Leo sits in the 2nd house, house of money and self-worth. Moon also conjuncts BML.
There is concern to raise money and idea of generosity towards giving money. There is concern to build a reputation to perhaps boost a Leo-like ego. The BML conjunction is probably why this is spreading like fire and untamable.
Jupiter, the sign of expansion and teachings, lies in the first house. Jupiter rules 6th house (health - ALS) and 9th house (teachings). It holds true for what this idea is about, spreading awareness about ALS. Jupiter is also exalted here in Cancer.
The significator for the community effort, as a collective group, would be Venus (11th house).
Venus lies in 11th house, conjuncting Juno. They are committed in doing good as a community. Since Venus is in Gemini, it is more so through talking, communication, in this case, viral videos.
Venus squares Neptune (9th). Unfortunately, the effort doesn't work out as what one imagines it to be, in the form of awareness teachings.
Significator for the 2nd house (money, self-worth) is Sun.
Sun in Cancer lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 3rd house (messages, communication) and 12th house is Mercury.
Mercury in Gemini (domicile) lies in the 12th house, house of self-undoing and hidden matters.
Significator for the 5th house (fun, self-expression) is Mars, and Pluto (modern astrology)
Mars in Libra (detriment) lies in 4th house.
Pluto in Capricorn lies in 6th house.
There is also a distinct kite with Pluto driving it. A lot of fun used to drive all the energy from (Sun, Neptune, Saturn) in the the name of health matters.
In the chart, I also see a glaring Jupiter-Varuna conjunction. Varuna is the Vedic god of water and ocean. More often seen as a punisher of divine justice.
On 15 July, the challenge was brought to mainstream audiences and got national attention and that's when the tagging started going.
Transits for that day
Sun conjuncts Poseidon at 23 Cancer
Moon conjuncts Neptune at 7 Pisces
Mars/Spica/North Node conjunct IC
Eris conjuncts MC
Chiron conjuncts POF
Venus (11th) intercepted in 11th
Mercury (3rd) in 11th
Jupiter (9th) in 12th, conjuncts ASC (also combust by Sun (1st,2nd))
That's when Sun crosses into 1st house for 1st chart and was "brought to light" from the 12th.
In mid- August, that's when it spread really fast and crazy. That's around the time when Venus (11th) conjuncts Jupiter (6th, 9th). The community effort to teach about health was at its peak and force keeps expanding.
On 16 August, the co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge was found dead from drowning after raising funds for ALS. He was described to be very happy and "in paradise" after the successful fundraiser.
This chart is based on the time his body was found.
His significator would be Moon. Moon also rules the 2nd house (self-worth and money)
Moon is in 11th house. Moon is in Taurus, exalted. It describes his excitement about money (Taurus) towards community (11th). At exaltion, it can mean arrogrance or inflated sense of self.
Moon's last aspect was a sextile with Neptune (in 9th), and square with Jupiter (in 2nd).
What happened is sad.
I couldn't help noticing Poseidon conjuncting IC (end of matters).
I have just read there are also other deaths/injuries found whether related directly or indirectly after the Ice Bucket Challenge. There's one guy who's said to have jumped into a quarry and died of drowning after doing the challenge
It's really quite sad to read about those.
Astrology aside, this is a good read on the cold shock that happens to the body that can cause drowning.
Going back to the first chart.
8th house is called the house of death/transformation.
8th house significator would be Saturn (traditional) or Uranus (modern).
If you are traditional, you would have restriction and be disciplined on conception of fun in the 5th house.
If you are modern, the eccentric side of you would be trying very hard to impress through social media (10th house/MC).
Mars conjuncts Saturn.
Venus squares Mars/Saturn.
It's also when people start realizing the dangers the Challenge can cause just to bring fun and boast about it (5th, 10th) and its consequences when people start doing stunts to impress.
The 7th house significator is also Saturn.
7th house here would represent other charity organizations.
While some other organizations have benefited indirectly from some donations due to the Ice Bucket Challenge's hype, the overall donation towards other organizations would drop drastically since a good amount have gone towards ALS.
This comes to light as Venus squares Saturn, when people start realizing this is another consequence of a hyped up trend.
Did the Ice Bucket Challenge really teach anything?
Transit Sun crosses Atlantis (as I write this)
Neptune in 9th.
Perhaps something is taught, but just not apparent. Also note Neptune's presence (watery symbol, Poseidon's other name).
When you put out challenges out there that it's ok to drop a bucket of water over your head in the name of charity, the consequences that follow snowball.
You have just taught the future generations it is ok to waste resources just to get donations.
You have just taught them outdoing each other just to get more donations is fine.
Viewing through rose-tainted glasses that all will be right when it isn't clearly right.
It causes a drought in the form of money towards other charity organizations.
It causes a drought in the form of water.
It passes on flawed mentality in the younger ones that might bite in the future.
I wish it will stop.
They have raised enough money and enough awareness (in name, not necessarily in the disease ALS). There's no need to spill more water over it.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Finding Atlantis Part 7: In Search of Aliens - The Hunt for Atlantis
The show explores the possibility of Atlantis being related to aliens.
Packed 5th house.
Chiron conjunct POF
Neptune conjuncts ASC.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
The Meaning of Anti
I was watching a show and the word "Anti-" kept popping in my mind. I feel a need to explain the meaning of it. Because people don't get it.
The word "anti" is a Greek word (Anti) . The usual meaning that we all know is that it means "opposing", "against" or "counteracting". However, while studying on Greek mythology and just studying on certain Greek words, I found out that Greek words don't just have one layer of meaning. The other meaning would be "instead of" or "in place of".
It doesn't make sense to use it that way because we never use it that way in the English language. But the original meaning of the word still applies, without us knowing.
The "Anti" has always been used to portray a party with opposing views to neutralize the situation or just counteract it. If there's concern about terrorism, an anti-terrorism campaign is launched. If there's war, anti-war campaign would be mentioned.
However, it doesn't work that way.
It is starting to seem to me, the "Anti" that is created, ends up promoting the concern. The "Anti" gives it a reason to act in the name of the concern. If there is a group suddenly announces openly that it is anti-religion or anti-race, the concerned religion or race will have a reason to take actions against that group and in return, promote their own cause.
It can be hard to grasp the concept and it takes time to see it.
Look at the elections. There's usually an anti-candidate campaign going around. It gives attention to the candidate for the hatred he is getting but it also puts the candidate in the media spotlight more than ever. And more hype is generated for the candidate than the other candidate without an anti- campaign.
Look at depression. Anti-depressants were created to cure it. But I've come across online postings from people who suffer from depression that it can make depression worse. I've wondered a lot over it. It seems (to me) that the depression condition just takes over in a different form. Just like the Greek meaning of "in place of".
Look at antiparticle. It is the same as a particle of the same mass but of opposite charge. I would say it is the same thing, just of different charge.
Get it?
Get it?
Same thing, different charge.
They are after the same thing, but are portrayed differently. The agenda remains the same
If you want to push a religious cause, create an anti-religion...
If you want to push for war, create an anti-war..
If you want to push for terrorism, create an anti-terrorism campaign.
This is how our world works today. It is not right.
If you truly want to end these chaos, ask for a religious harmony campaign or a peace campaign.
Not the Anti-something campaign.
Not when you don't know what you are dealing with.
Just found out in Egyptian mythology, there's a god called Anti. He is the god of ferrymen.
Seth did not want Isis to disrupt his meeting so he instructed Anti not to give her a ride. But Isis disguised herself and got Anti to give her a ferry ride over and she disrupted the meeting.
Seth was anti-Isis but Isis came over anyway and she got in his way.
Get it?
You can probably figure out what the Antichrist means from here.
The word "anti" is a Greek word (Anti) . The usual meaning that we all know is that it means "opposing", "against" or "counteracting". However, while studying on Greek mythology and just studying on certain Greek words, I found out that Greek words don't just have one layer of meaning. The other meaning would be "instead of" or "in place of".
It doesn't make sense to use it that way because we never use it that way in the English language. But the original meaning of the word still applies, without us knowing.
The "Anti" has always been used to portray a party with opposing views to neutralize the situation or just counteract it. If there's concern about terrorism, an anti-terrorism campaign is launched. If there's war, anti-war campaign would be mentioned.
However, it doesn't work that way.
It is starting to seem to me, the "Anti" that is created, ends up promoting the concern. The "Anti" gives it a reason to act in the name of the concern. If there is a group suddenly announces openly that it is anti-religion or anti-race, the concerned religion or race will have a reason to take actions against that group and in return, promote their own cause.
It can be hard to grasp the concept and it takes time to see it.
Look at the elections. There's usually an anti-candidate campaign going around. It gives attention to the candidate for the hatred he is getting but it also puts the candidate in the media spotlight more than ever. And more hype is generated for the candidate than the other candidate without an anti- campaign.
Look at depression. Anti-depressants were created to cure it. But I've come across online postings from people who suffer from depression that it can make depression worse. I've wondered a lot over it. It seems (to me) that the depression condition just takes over in a different form. Just like the Greek meaning of "in place of".
Look at antiparticle. It is the same as a particle of the same mass but of opposite charge. I would say it is the same thing, just of different charge.
Get it?
Get it?
Same thing, different charge.
They are after the same thing, but are portrayed differently. The agenda remains the same
If you want to push a religious cause, create an anti-religion...
If you want to push for war, create an anti-war..
If you want to push for terrorism, create an anti-terrorism campaign.
This is how our world works today. It is not right.
If you truly want to end these chaos, ask for a religious harmony campaign or a peace campaign.
Not the Anti-something campaign.
Not when you don't know what you are dealing with.
Just found out in Egyptian mythology, there's a god called Anti. He is the god of ferrymen.
Seth did not want Isis to disrupt his meeting so he instructed Anti not to give her a ride. But Isis disguised herself and got Anti to give her a ferry ride over and she disrupted the meeting.
Seth was anti-Isis but Isis came over anyway and she got in his way.
Get it?
You can probably figure out what the Antichrist means from here.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Musings: Supermoon 2014
There's a supermoon going on. I thought I'll do the chart.
Did some research and apparently, there are 3 supermoons for 2014, consecutively for the month of July, August and September.
Supermoon is also known as the perigee moon. It is when the moon is closest to the Earth and so it appears bigger. It is then when I realized that this is how Priapus point (Lunar Perigee) and perhaps BML (Lunar Apogee) apply in a chart. So look at the chart of the moment.
Sun conjuncts BML
Moon conjuncts Priapus
Sun-BML opposite Moon-Priapus
Saturn squares Sun and Moon opposition (exact)
I've thought that BML point is always opposite Priapus point. Apparently it isn't true. But well, it is true for this chart.
Supermoon sounds incredibly awesome and way better than the normal moon but I feel it's quite the opposite astrologically. The moon affects tidal waves and all our emotions. The closer the moon, the more emotional we get. Like Priapus, you'll feel the urge to get closer to someone but feel disappointed when you are told you are over the top with your emotions.
Strangely enough, today's Moon is in Aquarius, a place which I feel is void of emotions. Untameable BML-Sun in Leo (own rulership) is also opposing the Moon. These are 2 strong energies working against each other with Saturn caught in the middle. Really not sure how things are going to work out. Perhaps Saturn will settle the fight between the two.
Sun is in Saturn's detriment.
Moon is in Saturn's domicile.
Saturn is in Moon's fall.
Saturn helps Moon but Moon does not appreciate.
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Musings: Fifty Shades of Grey Movie Chart
Remember when I felt the urge to look up the chart for Valentine's Day 2015?
And then I got intrigued by the conjunction of Eros with Psyche and Venus with Mars and other aspects, which at that point, I couldn't figure it all out.
Well I found out that the movie Fifty Shades of Grey will be premiering on that date and burst out laughing.
Eros meets Psyche in Pisces.
The union of "twinflames" in a "twin" sign.
Venus meets Mars in Pisces.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, an expression of unconditional and sacrificial love. Mars in Pisces is somewhat passive when it comes to sexuality.
Valentine conjunct BML
Untamed energy meets true love (Valentine). Pretty much what the book/movie is about.
Ceres conjunct Pluto
I still have to study this. Ceres may be Persephone's mother and Pluto's mother-in-law but I've read before they were involved in some way.
Mercury conjuncts Dejanira/Amor
Moon squares Eros/Psyche/Venus/Mars
Moon conjuncts Pholus at GC
There are other aspects that I would have covered but I am not so keen on going through this chart as a movie chart since I don't really care for the movie.
It is just hilarious how apt the aspects are for the movie. And how it's going to play a part on Valentine's Day and affect all those couples watching the movie.
Maybe it's not a good idea to watch it on Valentine's Day. Moon is against it.
And then I got intrigued by the conjunction of Eros with Psyche and Venus with Mars and other aspects, which at that point, I couldn't figure it all out.
Well I found out that the movie Fifty Shades of Grey will be premiering on that date and burst out laughing.
Eros meets Psyche in Pisces.
The union of "twinflames" in a "twin" sign.
Venus meets Mars in Pisces.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, an expression of unconditional and sacrificial love. Mars in Pisces is somewhat passive when it comes to sexuality.
Valentine conjunct BML
Untamed energy meets true love (Valentine). Pretty much what the book/movie is about.
Ceres conjunct Pluto
I still have to study this. Ceres may be Persephone's mother and Pluto's mother-in-law but I've read before they were involved in some way.
Mercury conjuncts Dejanira/Amor
Moon squares Eros/Psyche/Venus/Mars
Moon conjuncts Pholus at GC
There are other aspects that I would have covered but I am not so keen on going through this chart as a movie chart since I don't really care for the movie.
It is just hilarious how apt the aspects are for the movie. And how it's going to play a part on Valentine's Day and affect all those couples watching the movie.
Maybe it's not a good idea to watch it on Valentine's Day. Moon is against it.
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Musings: End of Saturn Retrograde in Scorpio
Saturn goes direct today (20th July 2014) at 17 Scorpio. But it is still stationary until end of July.
I have been keeping an eye on Saturn after doing an horary chart for MH370. It is the lost significator for the plane.
I see an influence in the MH17 chart.
Asteroid Russia conjuncts Saturn.
It just occurred to me Russia could be the one who brings things to light after keeping to itself for so long. But it will take a while for Saturn to start moving out.
I have been keeping an eye on Saturn after doing an horary chart for MH370. It is the lost significator for the plane.
I see an influence in the MH17 chart.
Asteroid Russia conjuncts Saturn.
It just occurred to me Russia could be the one who brings things to light after keeping to itself for so long. But it will take a while for Saturn to start moving out.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Musings: Astrology Chart for MH17
A sad day for the world.
On 17 July 2014, a Malaysian airline plane MH17 was shot down while flying somewhere over Ukraine.
I use the departure time for the plane for the event chart.
The ASC for the chart is 3 Libra, conjuncting the SGC (Super Galatic Center).
Sabian Symbol for this chart is "The dawn of a new day, everything changed." As we wake up the next day, we wonder if the world changes for the better or the worse.
The significator for the plane would be Venus in Gemini. It is in the 9H, house of travels. However, Venus is intercepted inside the 9th house.
The significator for travels (9H) in this chart would be Venus too, again intercepted.
Interception of signs inside houses mean inhibition of expression or blockages. It disturbs me to see this. Blockage of a plane from travelling.
Venus is actually conjuncting Betelgeuse, a war mongering red star.
Mars lies inside the 1st house, which leads me to think of the attack made on the plane. Mars is in Libra, in detriment (weakened). Mars is a significator for the 7H, 8H (Aries), and 3H (Scorpio).
Moon, the co-significator of the plane and chart, lies in the 7H. 7H is the house of partners and open enemies. The plane was very much aware of flying across "open enemies". In the sign of Aries, there is a slight hint of rashness when it comes to emotions.
Moon is also the significator of the 10H, house of authority, government, politics. Moon squares both Venus and Mercury. Mercury here is significator of the 12H, house of secret enemies and 9H (intercepted)
Moon squares Venus and is breaking away.
There were questionable suspicion on the plane by countries but as it is breaking away, their concerns wore off.
Moon is starting to square Mercury.
Countries (military), however, feel a sense of threat when it comes to secet enemies (12H) that could be flying over.
Here is where Venus's interception inside 9H poses a problem. As Venus couldn't openly express where it's travelling or was blocked from declaring, and Moon in Aries is rash, it could have lead to a mistaken identity for Mercury (secret enemies) instead.
Right at the MC, is where Mercury is. It leads me to think of the post circulating that someone from a separatist group had posted on Facebook about shooting down the plane (whether it's true or not). So Mercury does symbolically represent that separatist group. But it could also be anyone really, with a hidden agenda (12H).
Mercury and Venus remain in a conjunction, even though they are in different signs. Mercury receives Venus since it is in Gemini. The secret enemies are openly aware of the plane. I don't see a threat between them.
Right on the MC, you can also see asteroid Ukraine and America in Cancer. They were pretty quick at voicing out their concerns or start the finger pointing.
So who fired the missile?
I see Jupiter and Sun both squaring Mars. Sun is squaring Mars, while for the other, it's Mars is applying the square to Jupiter.
Sun is the significator of the 11H, house of friends/organizations. Generally it can be hard to separate the 11H and 12H since both can be groups in a way. Sun is one degree from squaring Mars and Mars is significator of 7H (open enemies), 8H (fear/transformations) and 3H (communications). Sun seems to be harbouring fear towards the plane's communications or open enemies. Again, inside the 3H, Sagittarius is intercepted inside the house. Jupiter is the significator of 3H (intercepted) and 6H (service/routine/maintenance).
Mars applies a square to Jupiter. Perhaps the plane wasn't communicating clearly due to blockages. It led to an increasing suspicion and fear in the open enemies.
It is hard to figure out Sun with the limited information I have and whether it is linked to 12H, secret enemies.
There's some form of duality happening here, the passing back and forth of suspicion. I've found the plane significator to be in the sign of Gemini to be intriguing and wonder about the hidden message it brings. Perhaps there is indeed another side of the matter to be seen.
Mars also conjuncts Spica/Arcturus, a sign of luck. Although it can be argued that it's leaving Spica, I'd like to think that it is still blessed instead of being detriment. Mars conjuncts North Node. The investigation (8H), open enemies (7H) and information from plane's communication systems (3H) would bring us further.
Since Venus is also significator of 2H (plane parts), it depicts the situation where people are being blocked from recovering plane debris in foreign lands (9H). Mercury will also apply a trine to Mars, which makes me think the secret enemies just might be willing to work with investigation or providing of information.
Spica conjuncts North Node. I've always thought that it will mean bringing goodness to humanity. All this is possible if the parties involved drop the finger pointing and blame game and instead learn to work together.
I view the interception to be a big problem. If the plane gets recovered successfully with a thorough investigation, it brings to light the matter (which I suspect has something to do with the plane's communication leading to the action of firing by some unknown party) and the threat of war could wane. But if it is continually blocked, the various groups would never learn and keep blaming, speculating and continue being argumentative about it, making an excuse for war.
I really hope things can turn for the better with Spica around.
On 17 July 2014, a Malaysian airline plane MH17 was shot down while flying somewhere over Ukraine.
I use the departure time for the plane for the event chart.
The ASC for the chart is 3 Libra, conjuncting the SGC (Super Galatic Center).
Sabian Symbol for this chart is "The dawn of a new day, everything changed." As we wake up the next day, we wonder if the world changes for the better or the worse.
The significator for the plane would be Venus in Gemini. It is in the 9H, house of travels. However, Venus is intercepted inside the 9th house.
The significator for travels (9H) in this chart would be Venus too, again intercepted.
Interception of signs inside houses mean inhibition of expression or blockages. It disturbs me to see this. Blockage of a plane from travelling.
Venus is actually conjuncting Betelgeuse, a war mongering red star.
Mars lies inside the 1st house, which leads me to think of the attack made on the plane. Mars is in Libra, in detriment (weakened). Mars is a significator for the 7H, 8H (Aries), and 3H (Scorpio).
Moon, the co-significator of the plane and chart, lies in the 7H. 7H is the house of partners and open enemies. The plane was very much aware of flying across "open enemies". In the sign of Aries, there is a slight hint of rashness when it comes to emotions.
Moon is also the significator of the 10H, house of authority, government, politics. Moon squares both Venus and Mercury. Mercury here is significator of the 12H, house of secret enemies and 9H (intercepted)
Moon squares Venus and is breaking away.
There were questionable suspicion on the plane by countries but as it is breaking away, their concerns wore off.
Moon is starting to square Mercury.
Countries (military), however, feel a sense of threat when it comes to secet enemies (12H) that could be flying over.
Here is where Venus's interception inside 9H poses a problem. As Venus couldn't openly express where it's travelling or was blocked from declaring, and Moon in Aries is rash, it could have lead to a mistaken identity for Mercury (secret enemies) instead.
Right at the MC, is where Mercury is. It leads me to think of the post circulating that someone from a separatist group had posted on Facebook about shooting down the plane (whether it's true or not). So Mercury does symbolically represent that separatist group. But it could also be anyone really, with a hidden agenda (12H).
Mercury and Venus remain in a conjunction, even though they are in different signs. Mercury receives Venus since it is in Gemini. The secret enemies are openly aware of the plane. I don't see a threat between them.
Right on the MC, you can also see asteroid Ukraine and America in Cancer. They were pretty quick at voicing out their concerns or start the finger pointing.
So who fired the missile?
I see Jupiter and Sun both squaring Mars. Sun is squaring Mars, while for the other, it's Mars is applying the square to Jupiter.
Sun is the significator of the 11H, house of friends/organizations. Generally it can be hard to separate the 11H and 12H since both can be groups in a way. Sun is one degree from squaring Mars and Mars is significator of 7H (open enemies), 8H (fear/transformations) and 3H (communications). Sun seems to be harbouring fear towards the plane's communications or open enemies. Again, inside the 3H, Sagittarius is intercepted inside the house. Jupiter is the significator of 3H (intercepted) and 6H (service/routine/maintenance).
Mars applies a square to Jupiter. Perhaps the plane wasn't communicating clearly due to blockages. It led to an increasing suspicion and fear in the open enemies.
It is hard to figure out Sun with the limited information I have and whether it is linked to 12H, secret enemies.
There's some form of duality happening here, the passing back and forth of suspicion. I've found the plane significator to be in the sign of Gemini to be intriguing and wonder about the hidden message it brings. Perhaps there is indeed another side of the matter to be seen.
Mars also conjuncts Spica/Arcturus, a sign of luck. Although it can be argued that it's leaving Spica, I'd like to think that it is still blessed instead of being detriment. Mars conjuncts North Node. The investigation (8H), open enemies (7H) and information from plane's communication systems (3H) would bring us further.
Since Venus is also significator of 2H (plane parts), it depicts the situation where people are being blocked from recovering plane debris in foreign lands (9H). Mercury will also apply a trine to Mars, which makes me think the secret enemies just might be willing to work with investigation or providing of information.
Spica conjuncts North Node. I've always thought that it will mean bringing goodness to humanity. All this is possible if the parties involved drop the finger pointing and blame game and instead learn to work together.
I view the interception to be a big problem. If the plane gets recovered successfully with a thorough investigation, it brings to light the matter (which I suspect has something to do with the plane's communication leading to the action of firing by some unknown party) and the threat of war could wane. But if it is continually blocked, the various groups would never learn and keep blaming, speculating and continue being argumentative about it, making an excuse for war.
I really hope things can turn for the better with Spica around.
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Musings: Astrology Chart for World Cup Final 2014
This is a reading for World Cup Final: Germany vs Argentina.
I do not have experience with sports astrology so this is just a spontaneous reading.
In sports astrology, a team is assigned for the ASC and another for the DSC.
The ASC is in Capricorn, the significator is Saturn (retrograde) in Scorpio in 11th house.
The DSC is in Cancer, the significator is Moon in Aquarius, in 2nd house.
I think ASC represents Germany and DSC represents Argentina.
Asteroid-logically, since asteroid Brazil (along with asteroid Nike, goddess of victory) sits in the 7th house, it seems that Brazil supports DSC. I doubt Brazil supports Germany. It's apparent Brazil would rather have a South American team win the World Cup in their home land so with good reason, DSC would be Argentina.
And since ASC ruler is Saturn in retrograde, I think of a country bothered by its past or the curse that an European team has never won the World Cup in South America. That would be Germany.
In the chart, Moon is squaring Saturn. I do think it signifies a tough match.
Germany's reading
Its significator, Saturn is intercepted in the 11th house. I think there's inhibition of expression in unity (teamwork) for some reason. Emotions (Moon) seem to act against their wishes.
Argentina's reading
Its significator, Moon is sitting in its turned 8th house. In the 8th house position, it suggests Argentina is actually scared of its opponents (in turned 5th house).
Asteroids reading
Asteroid Argentina is in Libra, close to the North Node, in the 10th house. Asteroid Germania, which represents Germany, is in Leo, in the 8th house.
Based on asteroids only, I think of Argentina having an advantage here due to the cluster of planets in the 10th house. Mars is also conjunct Spica/Arcturus, which is conjuncting North Node.
Argentine is also sextile Germania (exact), which makes me think of a close goal difference game.
Germania, is close to conjuncting BML. I think of them as the underdog, which somehow doesn't make sense to me because I think Germany would be the favourites in this match.
I added a random asteroid Italia, to represent the Italian referee for the final match. It's funny how he's stuck in the intercepted sign of Taurus, conjuncting Vertex. I think his role would be crucial. He is squaring asteroid Germania, which makes me think he isn't that fair to team Germany.
I also added asteroid Messi (name asteroid substitute) and his other name Lionel. Both are in opposition, and also in the intercepted houses. Hmm...
Final thoughts
I do want Germany to win..
But I see a disadvantage for team Germany.
Even if I take just significators in the first house in consideration, in Argentina's 1st house, there's Sun (ruler of 3rd), POF and Jupiter (ruler of 6th and 10th) which will be joining some time into the match. Whereas for Germany's 1st house, there's Pluto. It is the ruler of Scorpio, which is again intercepted.
Intercepted house is so mind boggling, almost frustrating for me to analyze.
I googled and it says its co-ruler, Mars can solve the problem. Which in this case, Mars is conjunct the lucky fixed star Spica/Arcturus and North Node.
I do hope luck is with Germany this time.
I do not have experience with sports astrology so this is just a spontaneous reading.
In sports astrology, a team is assigned for the ASC and another for the DSC.
The ASC is in Capricorn, the significator is Saturn (retrograde) in Scorpio in 11th house.
The DSC is in Cancer, the significator is Moon in Aquarius, in 2nd house.
I think ASC represents Germany and DSC represents Argentina.
Asteroid-logically, since asteroid Brazil (along with asteroid Nike, goddess of victory) sits in the 7th house, it seems that Brazil supports DSC. I doubt Brazil supports Germany. It's apparent Brazil would rather have a South American team win the World Cup in their home land so with good reason, DSC would be Argentina.
And since ASC ruler is Saturn in retrograde, I think of a country bothered by its past or the curse that an European team has never won the World Cup in South America. That would be Germany.
In the chart, Moon is squaring Saturn. I do think it signifies a tough match.
Germany's reading
Its significator, Saturn is intercepted in the 11th house. I think there's inhibition of expression in unity (teamwork) for some reason. Emotions (Moon) seem to act against their wishes.
Argentina's reading
Its significator, Moon is sitting in its turned 8th house. In the 8th house position, it suggests Argentina is actually scared of its opponents (in turned 5th house).
Asteroids reading
Asteroid Argentina is in Libra, close to the North Node, in the 10th house. Asteroid Germania, which represents Germany, is in Leo, in the 8th house.
Based on asteroids only, I think of Argentina having an advantage here due to the cluster of planets in the 10th house. Mars is also conjunct Spica/Arcturus, which is conjuncting North Node.
Argentine is also sextile Germania (exact), which makes me think of a close goal difference game.
Germania, is close to conjuncting BML. I think of them as the underdog, which somehow doesn't make sense to me because I think Germany would be the favourites in this match.
I added a random asteroid Italia, to represent the Italian referee for the final match. It's funny how he's stuck in the intercepted sign of Taurus, conjuncting Vertex. I think his role would be crucial. He is squaring asteroid Germania, which makes me think he isn't that fair to team Germany.
I also added asteroid Messi (name asteroid substitute) and his other name Lionel. Both are in opposition, and also in the intercepted houses. Hmm...
Final thoughts
I do want Germany to win..
But I see a disadvantage for team Germany.
Even if I take just significators in the first house in consideration, in Argentina's 1st house, there's Sun (ruler of 3rd), POF and Jupiter (ruler of 6th and 10th) which will be joining some time into the match. Whereas for Germany's 1st house, there's Pluto. It is the ruler of Scorpio, which is again intercepted.
Intercepted house is so mind boggling, almost frustrating for me to analyze.
I googled and it says its co-ruler, Mars can solve the problem. Which in this case, Mars is conjunct the lucky fixed star Spica/Arcturus and North Node.
I do hope luck is with Germany this time.
Musings: Overview of World Cup 2014
Before I start on the chart for World Cup Finals: Germany vs Argentina, I thought I'll do an overview of my reading. Just to keep records. I did not have a chance to blog everything back then.
At the group stage, it was Mercury retrograde. Then Mercury turned straight before the Quarter Finals.
Predictions (in my book):
1. Rise of the underdogs.
Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica was in my list. Cameroon was in my list too but he/she failed me. I learnt later that Cameroon might have deliberately lost their match.
2. Portugal's disappointing exit.
Asteroid Portugal's conjunction with Jupiter wasn't so lucky after all. Its position at fixed star Pollux seems to have displaced its luck. Portugal's exit was earlier than I had expected. I still have to understand Pollux.
3. Brazil's stroke of luck.
I saw a lot of luck on Brazil's side but had predicted that they will make it to semis, but not finals.
4. Underdogs' luck ran out during Quarter Finals when Mercury retrograde ended.
5. Prediction made for final 4 for Semi-finals - Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands. ( I did not use a chart for this)
6. Failed to see England and Spain's early exit.
7. Had predicted a Germany-Netherlands finals. ( I did not use a chart for this)
To be honest, I couldn't care less after the long draggy match between Argentina and Netherlands.
But to rant a little, the outcome of that game would have changed if Netherlands had substituted in their other goalkeeper, Tim Krul.
At the group stage, it was Mercury retrograde. Then Mercury turned straight before the Quarter Finals.
Predictions (in my book):
1. Rise of the underdogs.
Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica was in my list. Cameroon was in my list too but he/she failed me. I learnt later that Cameroon might have deliberately lost their match.
2. Portugal's disappointing exit.
Asteroid Portugal's conjunction with Jupiter wasn't so lucky after all. Its position at fixed star Pollux seems to have displaced its luck. Portugal's exit was earlier than I had expected. I still have to understand Pollux.
3. Brazil's stroke of luck.
I saw a lot of luck on Brazil's side but had predicted that they will make it to semis, but not finals.
4. Underdogs' luck ran out during Quarter Finals when Mercury retrograde ended.
5. Prediction made for final 4 for Semi-finals - Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands. ( I did not use a chart for this)
6. Failed to see England and Spain's early exit.
7. Had predicted a Germany-Netherlands finals. ( I did not use a chart for this)
To be honest, I couldn't care less after the long draggy match between Argentina and Netherlands.
But to rant a little, the outcome of that game would have changed if Netherlands had substituted in their other goalkeeper, Tim Krul.
Friday, June 27, 2014
Musings: Astrology Teething Chart of Luis Suarez
Why did Luis Suarez bite an Italian player during World Cup 2014?
Will he bite another again?
Don't you just love astrology? Especially when you use it to find out why he bites one and not another.
I just went through other astrologers' readings and decided to do one for him using asteroids. Too hilarious not to.
Luis Suarez's Natal Chart (Inside) with Uruguay-Italy Match Transit Chart (Outside)
Forgive me, for I decided to skip all the planetary aspects.
Let's just get straight to topic.
He has Mars-Eris-Vesta conjunct North Node in Aries.
His aggressiveness, eccentric dedication in bringing discord brings him further in life. In Aries, he doesn't even stop to think about his actions. On that day, transit Uranus is currently at around 16 Aries, conjuncting his North Node so honestly, I don't know what else this guy is going through except some high level of craziness. There's also the Grand Cardinal Cross involving Uranus going on for a while. On that day, transit Mars was squaring transit Pluto, in opposition with transit Uranus.
If you focus at his South Node, that's where the transit Mars-Vesta-Ceres in Libra are. So it's literally a double dose of energy at both nodal ends for him.
Transit Sun conjuncts his Prometheus-BML
Transit Sun opposite his Neptune
Prometheus is a god that defied Zeus's orders and stole fire for men so that they can stay alive. On that day the Sun fully brought out Luis's BML (untamed energy) into going against all odds to help his team win. Lol. He took the first bite for his team.
He has Nessus conjunct Atlantis.
I recalled seeing this aspect in Oscar Pistorius's chart. Nessus can be used to signify abuse or abuser. At Atlantis, it's where you learn lessons of the past. It's something if you learn it, you will have great powers and transcend, and if you don't, you repeat the same mistakes and fall greatly.
Indeed he has been repeating the same mistakes of biting players for quite a while. And now it has gotten him into deep trouble.
Luis has Nessus-Atlantis square (country) asteroid Italia (and it's exact!)
Like...LOOK, it's freaking in his chart! Lol.
Anything squaring Nessus should be wary of the Nessus person because squares will catch you unaware. I haven't really used country asteroids in my readings but just LOOK. I mean...
If read literally, it means he will have tendency to "abuse" perhaps an "Italia" (Italian). Maybe he should consider avoid going Italy too in case he gets into more trouble.
And if you look at asteroid Italia in his chart, it conjuncts with Transit Prometheus-Dejanira.
Dejanira is usually used to signify victim. Both Nessus and Dejanira are a couple pair where Nessus tricked Dejanira into killing her husband when he couldn't have her.
Transit Dejanira squares Luis's Nessus.
He "preyed" on the unaware Italian player in the midst of the match out of nowehere. But I don't think he really wants the Italian player. haha.
Ooo. But that was creepy how it came out in the charts.
Transit Karma conjunct his Venus-Saturn (exact)
Saturn meets Karma here. This seems to be a tough aspect for him. But his Venus-Saturn trines his North Node. I think he will get through it.
I might take a look at Giorgio Chiellini's chart later.
Will he bite another again?
Don't you just love astrology? Especially when you use it to find out why he bites one and not another.
I just went through other astrologers' readings and decided to do one for him using asteroids. Too hilarious not to.
Luis Suarez's Natal Chart (Inside) with Uruguay-Italy Match Transit Chart (Outside)
Forgive me, for I decided to skip all the planetary aspects.
Let's just get straight to topic.
He has Mars-Eris-Vesta conjunct North Node in Aries.
His aggressiveness, eccentric dedication in bringing discord brings him further in life. In Aries, he doesn't even stop to think about his actions. On that day, transit Uranus is currently at around 16 Aries, conjuncting his North Node so honestly, I don't know what else this guy is going through except some high level of craziness. There's also the Grand Cardinal Cross involving Uranus going on for a while. On that day, transit Mars was squaring transit Pluto, in opposition with transit Uranus.
If you focus at his South Node, that's where the transit Mars-Vesta-Ceres in Libra are. So it's literally a double dose of energy at both nodal ends for him.
Transit Sun conjuncts his Prometheus-BML
Transit Sun opposite his Neptune
Prometheus is a god that defied Zeus's orders and stole fire for men so that they can stay alive. On that day the Sun fully brought out Luis's BML (untamed energy) into going against all odds to help his team win. Lol. He took the first bite for his team.
He has Nessus conjunct Atlantis.
I recalled seeing this aspect in Oscar Pistorius's chart. Nessus can be used to signify abuse or abuser. At Atlantis, it's where you learn lessons of the past. It's something if you learn it, you will have great powers and transcend, and if you don't, you repeat the same mistakes and fall greatly.
Indeed he has been repeating the same mistakes of biting players for quite a while. And now it has gotten him into deep trouble.
Luis has Nessus-Atlantis square (country) asteroid Italia (and it's exact!)
Like...LOOK, it's freaking in his chart! Lol.
Anything squaring Nessus should be wary of the Nessus person because squares will catch you unaware. I haven't really used country asteroids in my readings but just LOOK. I mean...
If read literally, it means he will have tendency to "abuse" perhaps an "Italia" (Italian). Maybe he should consider avoid going Italy too in case he gets into more trouble.
And if you look at asteroid Italia in his chart, it conjuncts with Transit Prometheus-Dejanira.
Dejanira is usually used to signify victim. Both Nessus and Dejanira are a couple pair where Nessus tricked Dejanira into killing her husband when he couldn't have her.
Transit Dejanira squares Luis's Nessus.
He "preyed" on the unaware Italian player in the midst of the match out of nowehere. But I don't think he really wants the Italian player. haha.
Ooo. But that was creepy how it came out in the charts.
Transit Karma conjunct his Venus-Saturn (exact)
Saturn meets Karma here. This seems to be a tough aspect for him. But his Venus-Saturn trines his North Node. I think he will get through it.
I might take a look at Giorgio Chiellini's chart later.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Horary Chart for MH370 Part 2
Continued from Part 1
Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family. In here, I would think 4H stands for family members of crew and passengers. They lie in the 8H, house of fear, crisis. Jupiter's exaltation may be dignified but it could also mean unrealistic view. They would have views of their own, sometimes it might get unrealistic. Their views would sway and influence the 8H investigation matters. It affects the Moon.
I wanted to progress further but I found something interesting to pry into.
I can reverse- read the chart.
8 houses would mean investigation. The plane's investigation is locked in Cancer, 8th house away from the 1st. Dignified but messy as it is also squaring Uranus from the 5H of entertainment. Unexpected interference from people/netizens poking fun of the issue at hand to distract the investigators.
What about the government's investigation?
8 houses turned from the 10th house (government) would be 5H in Aries. Ok... maybe it was the government's investigation interfering with the original investigation. Significator here would be Mars in Libra. Mars is conjunct North Node here but Mars is also retrograde and detriment in Libra
What about the family's investigation (if any)?
8 houses turned from the 4th house (family) would be 11H in Libra. Mars in also in stationed here. Significator would be Venus in Aquarius in 2H.
Something about Mars.
When I started this horary chart reading, I was like "Inmarsat must be Mars". Months ago, I saw online someone mentioning that the lexigram for INMARSAT is MARTIANS.
Indeed Inmarsat is bringing us further.
But Mars is retrograde and in detriment. I'm not sure whether we are on the right track with Inmarsat's data.
There is a collective group of activity going on in 11th house. Ceres, Vesta, Mars conjunct North Node. All in retrograde.
There is a collective effort to bring people together (11H) and countries together in the name of diplomacy (Libra). The retrograde and detriment would probably suggest a weakened effort.
Venus is also squaring Mars and separating, describing the conflict in views between family and government's investigation but it gradually lessens with time.
So how do things go from here?
How else do you find Saturn (missing plane significator) other than being that planet? Since Saturn rules 2H and 3H, locating 8 houses in the reverse direction would find out whose investigation actually brings us closer.
Working backwards, it points back to 7H in Gemini and 8H Cancer.
I've been thinking who 7H is. I think it would point to business partners, open enemies. It could mean competitors of the airline. Suppose they got nosy and decide to conduct private investigations/research or inside information, something would come up. It is also in the sign of Gemini, a sign of twins who love to talk. I think of gossip being leaked out.
8H here could refer to private investigators (instead of the actual investigation as above). An independent group of investigators unrelated to the government or airline.
8th house is also about inheritance, insurance, financial support/loans, estates. I think of investigators from insurance companies who had to pry through information of those onboard and the airline company to really verify whether to compensate. Their investigation could lead somewhere.
As Saturn is a malefic significator and also in retrograde in 12th house, it seems really hard to get to the plane.
Saturn means old with age, retrograde means delays, 12th house is the most difficult house. Multiple delays.
12H in Scorpio means water location.
It could take a while. A long while.
I found this while researching.
"However, when the significator of a missing item is retrograde it usually indicates its return (CA. p.468)"
I felt positive about it.
The first intuitive thing I did was to find out when does Saturn retrograde end.
Saturn turns direct on July 20th 2014.
Hopefully things will work out from there.
Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family. In here, I would think 4H stands for family members of crew and passengers. They lie in the 8H, house of fear, crisis. Jupiter's exaltation may be dignified but it could also mean unrealistic view. They would have views of their own, sometimes it might get unrealistic. Their views would sway and influence the 8H investigation matters. It affects the Moon.
I wanted to progress further but I found something interesting to pry into.
I can reverse- read the chart.
8 houses would mean investigation. The plane's investigation is locked in Cancer, 8th house away from the 1st. Dignified but messy as it is also squaring Uranus from the 5H of entertainment. Unexpected interference from people/netizens poking fun of the issue at hand to distract the investigators.
What about the government's investigation?
8 houses turned from the 10th house (government) would be 5H in Aries. Ok... maybe it was the government's investigation interfering with the original investigation. Significator here would be Mars in Libra. Mars is conjunct North Node here but Mars is also retrograde and detriment in Libra
What about the family's investigation (if any)?
8 houses turned from the 4th house (family) would be 11H in Libra. Mars in also in stationed here. Significator would be Venus in Aquarius in 2H.
Something about Mars.
When I started this horary chart reading, I was like "Inmarsat must be Mars". Months ago, I saw online someone mentioning that the lexigram for INMARSAT is MARTIANS.
Indeed Inmarsat is bringing us further.
But Mars is retrograde and in detriment. I'm not sure whether we are on the right track with Inmarsat's data.
There is a collective group of activity going on in 11th house. Ceres, Vesta, Mars conjunct North Node. All in retrograde.
There is a collective effort to bring people together (11H) and countries together in the name of diplomacy (Libra). The retrograde and detriment would probably suggest a weakened effort.
Venus is also squaring Mars and separating, describing the conflict in views between family and government's investigation but it gradually lessens with time.
So how do things go from here?
How else do you find Saturn (missing plane significator) other than being that planet? Since Saturn rules 2H and 3H, locating 8 houses in the reverse direction would find out whose investigation actually brings us closer.
Working backwards, it points back to 7H in Gemini and 8H Cancer.
I've been thinking who 7H is. I think it would point to business partners, open enemies. It could mean competitors of the airline. Suppose they got nosy and decide to conduct private investigations/research or inside information, something would come up. It is also in the sign of Gemini, a sign of twins who love to talk. I think of gossip being leaked out.
8H here could refer to private investigators (instead of the actual investigation as above). An independent group of investigators unrelated to the government or airline.
8th house is also about inheritance, insurance, financial support/loans, estates. I think of investigators from insurance companies who had to pry through information of those onboard and the airline company to really verify whether to compensate. Their investigation could lead somewhere.
As Saturn is a malefic significator and also in retrograde in 12th house, it seems really hard to get to the plane.
Saturn means old with age, retrograde means delays, 12th house is the most difficult house. Multiple delays.
12H in Scorpio means water location.
It could take a while. A long while.
I found this while researching.
"However, when the significator of a missing item is retrograde it usually indicates its return (CA. p.468)"
I felt positive about it.
The first intuitive thing I did was to find out when does Saturn retrograde end.
Saturn turns direct on July 20th 2014.
Hopefully things will work out from there.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Horary Chart for MH370 Part 1
I decided to attempt an horary chart reading for MH370. I don't stick to rules for astrology so this is not "traditional horary".
I am using the birth chart (flight chart) for the reading.
The significator of the plane would be the chart ruler of Sagittarius Ascendant, which would be Jupiter in Cancer in 8H. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter is also in a water house. In the 8th house, it is the house of transformations, death, shared resources, investigations etc.
The co-significator of the plane would be the Moon. Moon is in Gemini, conjuncting the 7th house cusp (DSC) from 6H.
In lost horary, the missing object is denoted by the 2nd house (Capricorn). I decided to use it too to represent the plane after it went missing. The significator of the missing plane would be Saturn in Scorpio in 12H. Saturn is in retrograde and also in a water house.
The last aspect of the significator would tell us why happened before the plane went missing. I couldn't see anything obvious that has to do with Jupiter at first until I read that Jupiter had turned straight after being in retrograde just 2 days before. It was still stationary for this chart.
Sequence of events for Jupiter (past -> that night)
Jupiter Rx square Uranus (exact) -> Uranus separates from square with Jupiter Rx -> Jupiter turns straight (stationary)
Reading it backwards relating back to the plane, it would mean that the plane got hit by an unexpected event that's perhaps electrical or technical. During the transit with the problem, the plane flew on but decided to make a turn back. Jupiter in stationary motion would indicate a stalling of plans or the plane.
Jupiter is exhalted in Cancer, a dignified position. It indicates the plane or person flying the plane was confident in position. The motion of the planet would however indicate there was hesitation, conflict of ideas.
The last aspect with the Moon is probably not used in horary. But I decide to use it anyway. I think of Moon as the emotions of the people onboard.
Sequence of events for Moon (Past -> that night -> upcoming)
Moon square Neptune (exact) ->Moon separates from Neptune square and Venus trine -> Moon starts squaring Sun -> Moon sextile Uranus -> Moon squares Sun (exact)
This would hint that there was some confusing matters (or it could mean water issues) bothering them before the flight. The matters then changed to having matters with authority or the Sun (whoever Sun is). Moon sextile Uranus means there was an unexpected or electrical incident onboard which was in control but then led to a head-on clash or tensions (square) with the Sun.
In horary, the position of the Sun is important for answering the question. In the chart, the Sun rules the 9th house of travels, which is appropriate. For this chart, the significator of the 9th house, the Sun would sound to me to be the pilot or co-pilot since they are the ones in charge of flying the plane. Sun is in Pisces in 4H, also a water sign in a water house. The whole chart is packed with water "signs" if you haven't realized by now.
On to the lost significator.
Saturn lies in the dark 12th house of mystery. It is the house of secrets, secret enemies, the unknown, house of self-undoing. The missing plane is in some unknown hidden location.
Saturn is also conjunct with fixed star, Unukalhai.
"Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake"
Sequence of events for Saturn (Past -> [that night] -> future)
Moon opposite Saturn -> Moon separates -> [Saturn trines the Sun and squares Mercury] -> Mercury squares Saturn Rx -> Sun trines Saturn Rx
Saturn's square with Mercury, the sign of communications, signifies a communication problem causing the plane's disappearance. Mercury lies in the 3H of communications in Aquarius. I think 3H here would refer to the communication equipment/system of the plane.
Using traditional rulership, Saturn, in this case, would also rule 3H. Which means Saturn rules both 2H (possessions/plane parts) and 3H (communications). The missing plane had difficulty with establishing communications with their own equipment. Mercury rules the 10th house, house of authorities (government) /work (superiors) and the 7th house, house of partners/open enemies. Contact couldn't be made to government, employers, business partners, life partners. Saturn is also in a difficult house hinting there are hidden reasons for delays.
I actually think Saturn's trine with the Sun (travels) would mean the pilots were bringing plane to safety. Saturn approaches an exact trine with the Sun but it's still a distance way before completing an exact trine. Moon would intercept the Sun with the square before Saturn. Here I think it implies matters onboard might have affected the pilots from bringing the plane to safety to a trine. Moon rules the 8th house, which is a complicated house. It can mean crisis, death, fear etc.
If I look at the chart from another angle, the Sun could actually mean the authorities (related to 9H travels) searching for the missing plane. In this case it would probably refer to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and the aviation specialists. The Sun moves towards a trine to Saturn (missing plane) but before it can happen, it hits the square with the Moon. In here, Moon would represent investigations (8H). The investigations conflicted the authorities' (MAS) views, intercepting (distracting) them from locating the lost plane.
Jupiter's (expansion) presence in 8H would probably mean there was an extensive amount of information/investigation related to the plane to look at, which was probably what led to the confusion. Jupiter's stationary position would signify the hesitation/stalling of plans ongoing when it comes to the search.
Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family.
(to be continued)
I am using the birth chart (flight chart) for the reading.
The significator of the plane would be the chart ruler of Sagittarius Ascendant, which would be Jupiter in Cancer in 8H. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer. Jupiter is also in a water house. In the 8th house, it is the house of transformations, death, shared resources, investigations etc.
The co-significator of the plane would be the Moon. Moon is in Gemini, conjuncting the 7th house cusp (DSC) from 6H.
In lost horary, the missing object is denoted by the 2nd house (Capricorn). I decided to use it too to represent the plane after it went missing. The significator of the missing plane would be Saturn in Scorpio in 12H. Saturn is in retrograde and also in a water house.
The last aspect of the significator would tell us why happened before the plane went missing. I couldn't see anything obvious that has to do with Jupiter at first until I read that Jupiter had turned straight after being in retrograde just 2 days before. It was still stationary for this chart.
Sequence of events for Jupiter (past -> that night)
Jupiter Rx square Uranus (exact) -> Uranus separates from square with Jupiter Rx -> Jupiter turns straight (stationary)
Reading it backwards relating back to the plane, it would mean that the plane got hit by an unexpected event that's perhaps electrical or technical. During the transit with the problem, the plane flew on but decided to make a turn back. Jupiter in stationary motion would indicate a stalling of plans or the plane.
Jupiter is exhalted in Cancer, a dignified position. It indicates the plane or person flying the plane was confident in position. The motion of the planet would however indicate there was hesitation, conflict of ideas.
The last aspect with the Moon is probably not used in horary. But I decide to use it anyway. I think of Moon as the emotions of the people onboard.
Sequence of events for Moon (Past -> that night -> upcoming)
Moon square Neptune (exact) ->Moon separates from Neptune square and Venus trine -> Moon starts squaring Sun -> Moon sextile Uranus -> Moon squares Sun (exact)
This would hint that there was some confusing matters (or it could mean water issues) bothering them before the flight. The matters then changed to having matters with authority or the Sun (whoever Sun is). Moon sextile Uranus means there was an unexpected or electrical incident onboard which was in control but then led to a head-on clash or tensions (square) with the Sun.
In horary, the position of the Sun is important for answering the question. In the chart, the Sun rules the 9th house of travels, which is appropriate. For this chart, the significator of the 9th house, the Sun would sound to me to be the pilot or co-pilot since they are the ones in charge of flying the plane. Sun is in Pisces in 4H, also a water sign in a water house. The whole chart is packed with water "signs" if you haven't realized by now.
On to the lost significator.
Saturn lies in the dark 12th house of mystery. It is the house of secrets, secret enemies, the unknown, house of self-undoing. The missing plane is in some unknown hidden location.
Saturn is also conjunct with fixed star, Unukalhai.
"Success followed by fall, suicide, insanity, accidents, success in war, politics, writing, problems in love, forgery, shipwreck, loss, earthquake"
Sequence of events for Saturn (Past -> [that night] -> future)
Moon opposite Saturn -> Moon separates -> [Saturn trines the Sun and squares Mercury] -> Mercury squares Saturn Rx -> Sun trines Saturn Rx
Saturn's square with Mercury, the sign of communications, signifies a communication problem causing the plane's disappearance. Mercury lies in the 3H of communications in Aquarius. I think 3H here would refer to the communication equipment/system of the plane.
Using traditional rulership, Saturn, in this case, would also rule 3H. Which means Saturn rules both 2H (possessions/plane parts) and 3H (communications). The missing plane had difficulty with establishing communications with their own equipment. Mercury rules the 10th house, house of authorities (government) /work (superiors) and the 7th house, house of partners/open enemies. Contact couldn't be made to government, employers, business partners, life partners. Saturn is also in a difficult house hinting there are hidden reasons for delays.
I actually think Saturn's trine with the Sun (travels) would mean the pilots were bringing plane to safety. Saturn approaches an exact trine with the Sun but it's still a distance way before completing an exact trine. Moon would intercept the Sun with the square before Saturn. Here I think it implies matters onboard might have affected the pilots from bringing the plane to safety to a trine. Moon rules the 8th house, which is a complicated house. It can mean crisis, death, fear etc.
If I look at the chart from another angle, the Sun could actually mean the authorities (related to 9H travels) searching for the missing plane. In this case it would probably refer to Malaysia Airlines (MAS) and the aviation specialists. The Sun moves towards a trine to Saturn (missing plane) but before it can happen, it hits the square with the Moon. In here, Moon would represent investigations (8H). The investigations conflicted the authorities' (MAS) views, intercepting (distracting) them from locating the lost plane.
Jupiter's (expansion) presence in 8H would probably mean there was an extensive amount of information/investigation related to the plane to look at, which was probably what led to the confusion. Jupiter's stationary position would signify the hesitation/stalling of plans ongoing when it comes to the search.
Jupiter rules 1H (as significator) and 4H, house of family.
(to be continued)
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Musings: Astrology Chart for World Cup 2014 Opening Ceremony
A short reading (or rather, rambling) for World Cup 2014 Opening Ceremony.
I am having some problems looking at charts due to Mercury Retrograde. Had such a hard time trying to gather information like exact time of the event. That's what Mercury Retrograde does. I'll just see what I can find.
In the chart, there is not 1 but 2 mystic rectangles in this chart. Both Masculine (Fire, Air) and Feminine (Water, Earth) mystic rectangles. Although there are stress and obstacles throughout their journey to the opening of this ceremony, it signifies great potential to harness all that power in both yin and yang sense if balanced properly through the 4 placements' oppositions and sextiles..
8 planets are involved in the mystic rectangles.
Mars-Moon-Sun-Uranus - Masculine Fire/Air Rectangle (extrovert)
Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter-Venus - Feminine Earth/Water Rectangle (introvert)
That leaves Mercury and Neptune, which also has harmonious aspects.
Mercury trine Neptune
Neptune sextile Pluto
except for Neptune square Moon, which signifies confusion emotionally over self performance.
It's quite interesting how there's a Grand Cardinal Cross going on and how 2 rectangles are like gears hinged on the cross. Or will it cause the hinge snap instead?
Saturn conjuncts the Ascendant exactly from the 12H. A stern front hidden from view.
The Sabian Symbol for the ASC is "A parrot listening and then talking, repeating a conversation he has overheard". An emphasis that clear communication with understanding is key. Somehow it fits the Mercury Retrograde we are facing, the period where communication breakdowns and misunderstandings would happen and be causing problems during the World Cup matches.
Venus also opposes Saturn (exactly) and conjuncts the DSC in 7th house. Stern-looking faces seen during the event but love and grace shown during actual one-to-one interactions.
There's also 8H Sun and 12H energy going on. North Node in the 12H with Mars, Vesta, Ceres. Collectively, there is still much confusion and frustration ongoing about the games, with much dedication towards making it work. Saturn is also in 12H so there's much going on hidden and not known and harder to understand. Mars is also in exact square with Pluto right now, which might aggravate the hidden frustration.
Mars (which also represent sports) will also move closer and closer to North Node towards the final match (In the final match, Mars-Vesta-Ceres will actually conjunct North Node at 24 Libra (exactly), which is where the auspicious fixed stars Spica/Arctrus are. Sounds brilliant. Would be very interesting to look at the full chart.)
I ran the chart with a lot of asteroids and got carried away. I'll just post the interesting bits.
Interesting Aspects
Hermes conjunct DSC
Pallas conjunct Apollo
Fortuna conjunct BML
Portugal conjunct Jupiter-Abundantia
Brazil (Brasilia) conjunct Nike
Italy (Italia) conjunct South Node
I think Fortuna conjunct BML might imply an unexpected stroke of luck for the underdogs.
Nike, the Goddess of victory, stands in exact conjunction with Brasilia and near the Sun. It seems the Brazil team is very blessed for the game on their homeland. Or it can mean Brazil will feel extra lucky when wearing Nike (brand) jersey (haha).
Portugal is also in a good spot in conjunction with Jupiter, a sign of expansion and luck. At least Portugal will be very much in the spotlight from the sign of it. However it is also conjuncting fixed stars Pollux/Procyon, which could bring about disputes as Jupiter could go overboard.
I find it hilarious Italy is at the South Node. It makes me wonder if it implies the team is "past tense" in this upcoming World Cup.
I think I'll end here for now.
I am having some problems looking at charts due to Mercury Retrograde. Had such a hard time trying to gather information like exact time of the event. That's what Mercury Retrograde does. I'll just see what I can find.
In the chart, there is not 1 but 2 mystic rectangles in this chart. Both Masculine (Fire, Air) and Feminine (Water, Earth) mystic rectangles. Although there are stress and obstacles throughout their journey to the opening of this ceremony, it signifies great potential to harness all that power in both yin and yang sense if balanced properly through the 4 placements' oppositions and sextiles..
8 planets are involved in the mystic rectangles.
Mars-Moon-Sun-Uranus - Masculine Fire/Air Rectangle (extrovert)
Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter-Venus - Feminine Earth/Water Rectangle (introvert)
That leaves Mercury and Neptune, which also has harmonious aspects.
Mercury trine Neptune
Neptune sextile Pluto
except for Neptune square Moon, which signifies confusion emotionally over self performance.
It's quite interesting how there's a Grand Cardinal Cross going on and how 2 rectangles are like gears hinged on the cross. Or will it cause the hinge snap instead?
Saturn conjuncts the Ascendant exactly from the 12H. A stern front hidden from view.
The Sabian Symbol for the ASC is "A parrot listening and then talking, repeating a conversation he has overheard". An emphasis that clear communication with understanding is key. Somehow it fits the Mercury Retrograde we are facing, the period where communication breakdowns and misunderstandings would happen and be causing problems during the World Cup matches.
Venus also opposes Saturn (exactly) and conjuncts the DSC in 7th house. Stern-looking faces seen during the event but love and grace shown during actual one-to-one interactions.
There's also 8H Sun and 12H energy going on. North Node in the 12H with Mars, Vesta, Ceres. Collectively, there is still much confusion and frustration ongoing about the games, with much dedication towards making it work. Saturn is also in 12H so there's much going on hidden and not known and harder to understand. Mars is also in exact square with Pluto right now, which might aggravate the hidden frustration.
Mars (which also represent sports) will also move closer and closer to North Node towards the final match (In the final match, Mars-Vesta-Ceres will actually conjunct North Node at 24 Libra (exactly), which is where the auspicious fixed stars Spica/Arctrus are. Sounds brilliant. Would be very interesting to look at the full chart.)
I ran the chart with a lot of asteroids and got carried away. I'll just post the interesting bits.
Interesting Aspects
Hermes conjunct DSC
Pallas conjunct Apollo
Fortuna conjunct BML
Portugal conjunct Jupiter-Abundantia
Brazil (Brasilia) conjunct Nike
Italy (Italia) conjunct South Node
I think Fortuna conjunct BML might imply an unexpected stroke of luck for the underdogs.
Nike, the Goddess of victory, stands in exact conjunction with Brasilia and near the Sun. It seems the Brazil team is very blessed for the game on their homeland. Or it can mean Brazil will feel extra lucky when wearing Nike (brand) jersey (haha).
Portugal is also in a good spot in conjunction with Jupiter, a sign of expansion and luck. At least Portugal will be very much in the spotlight from the sign of it. However it is also conjuncting fixed stars Pollux/Procyon, which could bring about disputes as Jupiter could go overboard.
I find it hilarious Italy is at the South Node. It makes me wonder if it implies the team is "past tense" in this upcoming World Cup.
I think I'll end here for now.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Astrology Chart of Elliot Rodger
I do not feel good about doing this because the wounds caused are still so fresh and I feel so sorry for the families/friends of those who lost their loved ones.
But something just isn't right here when looking at the chart of Elliot Rodger. I took a quick browse at the manifesto, some clips, some articles on the UCSB shooting rampage and it seems to portray Edgar Rodger as a woman-hater. But it also said he got along very well with his mother, so how can he be a woman hater?
I do not hate the movie "Hunger Games" but somehow, the movie just got dragged in or maybe it's just the media which loves linking big names to generate more views.
In Elliot Rodger's natal chart,
(His birthtime is unknown but it is said he was born in the morning. I think his BML would be in the 4th house to signify him moving around with his step family)
Venus conjunct Mars (exact) in Virgo
This aspect gives a person sexual magnetism so I'm not sure what he was complaining about. He wouldn't hardly be deemed as an unattractive person in people's eyes.
Sun conjunct Chiron
Sun conjunct Psyche
Sun conjuncts Chiron, the charismatic wounded healer, is actually another aspect which will make a person very charismatic. He would also have the potential to be a great influential healer to people around him since it is in exact conjunct with Sun. The conjunction with Psyche will make him someone who's easy to bare his soul or put his soul into doing things to express himself. With Chiron's presence there, it seems to signify his raw wounds are bared out for all to see.
Sun opposite Saturn-Valentine
The Sun-Saturn opposition suggests he has problems with authority. Valentine's conjunction suggests he is someone who needs to "father" someone when in love with a person. Chiron oppose Saturn suggests he will heal by finding unconventional methods that will incur disapproval. But if he learns to take control, he will ultimately become a teacher in alternative healing.
BML conjuncts Uranus
"taste for independence, dislike of routines and anything which can perceived as enslaving constraints, affinity with original things, and a rebel (if not rebellious) nature."
Priapus conjunct South Node
In Greek mythology, Priapus is a fertility god who faces rejections when seeking sexual advances. The placement here is so apt. The south node conjunction seems to imply that Elliot was bonded by the past and still is. Priapus seeks for a lover to merge with no restraint. And when he couldn't, he ends up in this repressed state of discontent and unfulfillment. But it is in Cancer.
Vesta conjunct Pholus
Vesta ties with the Vestal Virgins, the keepers of the sacred flames. If he had devoted himself to divinity (a higher truth), the turning point would have changed.
These are the aspects that bothered me.
Mercury conjunct Hekate-Lucifier
Atlantis conjunct Nessus (exact)
Nessus-Atlantis square Uranus-BML
Sun trine Kaali (exact)
Moon conjunct Kaali
I would have continued digging through the aspects but something disrupted my thoughts.
I actually think he had a promising chart with girls, I don't see the hatred for girls either since there are no hard aspects with the Moon. He also has a lovely Moon trine Venus-Mars. I checked for ego, narcissism that could make him obnoxious, but I don't see anything that stands out.
Some of the aspects that bothered me could be linked to something called mind-control or mind programming. As that is something I don't like dealing with or am too familiar with, I feel maybe I shouldn't write too much about it. Let's just say that he could be very easily influenced but he also has a decent chart to overcome it.
Another thing I noticed about his videos is that it doesn't sound like him talking. It reminds me more of a person trying to act as someone who's going to do something bad. It was a thought that crossed my mind.
Somehow I wondered if his "Retribution" video was an audition video instead. In fact all those videos are part of it. After all he has Neptune conjunct North Node possibly in his 5th house. That would be where he transcends.
Or maybe it was drugs.
Something's just not right with the case.
But something just isn't right here when looking at the chart of Elliot Rodger. I took a quick browse at the manifesto, some clips, some articles on the UCSB shooting rampage and it seems to portray Edgar Rodger as a woman-hater. But it also said he got along very well with his mother, so how can he be a woman hater?
I do not hate the movie "Hunger Games" but somehow, the movie just got dragged in or maybe it's just the media which loves linking big names to generate more views.
In Elliot Rodger's natal chart,
(His birthtime is unknown but it is said he was born in the morning. I think his BML would be in the 4th house to signify him moving around with his step family)
Venus conjunct Mars (exact) in Virgo
This aspect gives a person sexual magnetism so I'm not sure what he was complaining about. He wouldn't hardly be deemed as an unattractive person in people's eyes.
Sun conjunct Chiron
Sun conjunct Psyche
Sun conjuncts Chiron, the charismatic wounded healer, is actually another aspect which will make a person very charismatic. He would also have the potential to be a great influential healer to people around him since it is in exact conjunct with Sun. The conjunction with Psyche will make him someone who's easy to bare his soul or put his soul into doing things to express himself. With Chiron's presence there, it seems to signify his raw wounds are bared out for all to see.
Sun opposite Saturn-Valentine
The Sun-Saturn opposition suggests he has problems with authority. Valentine's conjunction suggests he is someone who needs to "father" someone when in love with a person. Chiron oppose Saturn suggests he will heal by finding unconventional methods that will incur disapproval. But if he learns to take control, he will ultimately become a teacher in alternative healing.
BML conjuncts Uranus
"taste for independence, dislike of routines and anything which can perceived as enslaving constraints, affinity with original things, and a rebel (if not rebellious) nature."
Priapus conjunct South Node
In Greek mythology, Priapus is a fertility god who faces rejections when seeking sexual advances. The placement here is so apt. The south node conjunction seems to imply that Elliot was bonded by the past and still is. Priapus seeks for a lover to merge with no restraint. And when he couldn't, he ends up in this repressed state of discontent and unfulfillment. But it is in Cancer.
Vesta conjunct Pholus
Vesta ties with the Vestal Virgins, the keepers of the sacred flames. If he had devoted himself to divinity (a higher truth), the turning point would have changed.
These are the aspects that bothered me.
Mercury conjunct Hekate-Lucifier
Atlantis conjunct Nessus (exact)
Nessus-Atlantis square Uranus-BML
Sun trine Kaali (exact)
Moon conjunct Kaali
I would have continued digging through the aspects but something disrupted my thoughts.
I actually think he had a promising chart with girls, I don't see the hatred for girls either since there are no hard aspects with the Moon. He also has a lovely Moon trine Venus-Mars. I checked for ego, narcissism that could make him obnoxious, but I don't see anything that stands out.
Some of the aspects that bothered me could be linked to something called mind-control or mind programming. As that is something I don't like dealing with or am too familiar with, I feel maybe I shouldn't write too much about it. Let's just say that he could be very easily influenced but he also has a decent chart to overcome it.
Another thing I noticed about his videos is that it doesn't sound like him talking. It reminds me more of a person trying to act as someone who's going to do something bad. It was a thought that crossed my mind.
Somehow I wondered if his "Retribution" video was an audition video instead. In fact all those videos are part of it. After all he has Neptune conjunct North Node possibly in his 5th house. That would be where he transcends.
Or maybe it was drugs.
Something's just not right with the case.
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Musing: MH370 with Captain Zaharie's Chart
A spontaneous chart reading. Probably overdue.
In the chart of MH370,
Mars-Vesta-Ceres conjuncts North Node in Libra
Ironically, it really seems like a dedication/devotion with nurturing love towards achieving goals to bring us further in the name of diplomacy. Doesn't it sound like countries uniting for a common cause? And strangely enough, all 3 planets are in retrograde.
Perserphone conjunct Psyche
Proserpina conjunct Venus opposite BML
Perserphone/Proserpina, the kidnapped and transformed maiden is very active here. It would make sense to use it in the form of kidnap. It seems to imply there's a love of a Perserphone or a wanting to be taken away and transformed.
Venus opposite BML square North Node
This is the most puzzling aspect which I could not figure out.
Bacchus conjunct Pholus
A suggestion that wine/agriculture/merry making initiated the turning point of MH370.
In the chart of Captain Zaharie (pilot),
Dejanira conjuncts Pholus (exact)
Being victimized initiates his turning point.
Moon conjuncts Pallas (dependent on birth time)
"You are emotionally independent and enjoy relying on yourself. Your instinctive response to life's situations is intellectual and resourceful, and you pride yourself on your originality. You are the champion of the underdog, nearly always ready to defend the downtrodden or those who cannot defend themselves. You are an upholder of justice and freedom."
In synastry,
MH370's Juno conjuncts Captain's Juno in Aries
Pilot and plane have aligned commitment towards each other.
MH370's Vertex conjuncts Captain's Pallas-Moon
The captain brings his emotional stability and wisdom towards flying MH370.
MH370's Uranus conjuncts Captain's Eris in Aries
Eris is the goddess of discord, the trouble maker or the whistle blower of poetic justice. The Captain throws the golden apple of discord in aviation (Uranus). It also suggests "resourcefulness and clear mind in emergencies".
MH370's Pallas-Atlantis conjuncts Captain's Uranus-North Node
A premonition using the sixth sense guides the captain to fly (Uranus = aviation) and drive him further. An Atlantean premonition of the need to fly right or history will repeat itself.
MH370's Perserphone-Psyche conjuncts Captain's Saturn
MH370's Proserpina-Venus conjuncts Captain's Jupiter
MH370's BML conjuncts Captain's Psyche opposite MH370's Venus-Psyche
MH370's Neptune conjuncts Captain's Perserphone-Chiron
The captain was tasked to discipline and expand the idea of a "Perserphone". It seems like dark matters, secretive unknown matters and was against his wishes (his Psyche opposite MH370's Persephone-Psyche). An idealized scenario was envisioned for MH370 but turned out to be Neptune's disillusion. It ended up as the captain's "Perserphone" wound.
In the chart of MH370,
Mars-Vesta-Ceres conjuncts North Node in Libra
Ironically, it really seems like a dedication/devotion with nurturing love towards achieving goals to bring us further in the name of diplomacy. Doesn't it sound like countries uniting for a common cause? And strangely enough, all 3 planets are in retrograde.
Perserphone conjunct Psyche
Proserpina conjunct Venus opposite BML
Perserphone/Proserpina, the kidnapped and transformed maiden is very active here. It would make sense to use it in the form of kidnap. It seems to imply there's a love of a Perserphone or a wanting to be taken away and transformed.
Venus opposite BML square North Node
This is the most puzzling aspect which I could not figure out.
Bacchus conjunct Pholus
A suggestion that wine/agriculture/merry making initiated the turning point of MH370.
In the chart of Captain Zaharie (pilot),
Dejanira conjuncts Pholus (exact)
Being victimized initiates his turning point.
Moon conjuncts Pallas (dependent on birth time)
"You are emotionally independent and enjoy relying on yourself. Your instinctive response to life's situations is intellectual and resourceful, and you pride yourself on your originality. You are the champion of the underdog, nearly always ready to defend the downtrodden or those who cannot defend themselves. You are an upholder of justice and freedom."
In synastry,
MH370's Juno conjuncts Captain's Juno in Aries
Pilot and plane have aligned commitment towards each other.
The captain brings his emotional stability and wisdom towards flying MH370.
MH370's Uranus conjuncts Captain's Eris in Aries
Eris is the goddess of discord, the trouble maker or the whistle blower of poetic justice. The Captain throws the golden apple of discord in aviation (Uranus). It also suggests "resourcefulness and clear mind in emergencies".
MH370's Pallas-Atlantis conjuncts Captain's Uranus-North Node
A premonition using the sixth sense guides the captain to fly (Uranus = aviation) and drive him further. An Atlantean premonition of the need to fly right or history will repeat itself.
MH370's Proserpina-Venus conjuncts Captain's Jupiter
MH370's BML conjuncts Captain's Psyche opposite MH370's Venus-Psyche
MH370's Neptune conjuncts Captain's Perserphone-Chiron
The captain was tasked to discipline and expand the idea of a "Perserphone". It seems like dark matters, secretive unknown matters and was against his wishes (his Psyche opposite MH370's Persephone-Psyche). An idealized scenario was envisioned for MH370 but turned out to be Neptune's disillusion. It ended up as the captain's "Perserphone" wound.
Musings: MH370 and Tintin's Flight 714
I was flipping through Tintin's Flight 714 after browsing through some MH370 stuff. The book left me stunned.
Flight 714's story came really close to some psychic visions of MH370. I don't think people paid enough attention to it though.
Before I get started, I thought this would be interesting to share. Although I've read Flight 714 as a kid, it was literally the book that didn't make sense to me back then. But now it does.
This should be in the show "Ancient Aliens". What was this doing in a comic published in 1966? How did Herge even come up with this? I didn't understand why statues of astronauts were doing in the temple when I was younger but as I've been watching that show, a lot of things just fall into place after it.
Back to the storyline of Flight 714,
Flight 714's story came really close to some psychic visions of MH370. I don't think people paid enough attention to it though.
Before I get started, I thought this would be interesting to share. Although I've read Flight 714 as a kid, it was literally the book that didn't make sense to me back then. But now it does.
This should be in the show "Ancient Aliens". What was this doing in a comic published in 1966? How did Herge even come up with this? I didn't understand why statues of astronauts were doing in the temple when I was younger but as I've been watching that show, a lot of things just fall into place after it.
Back to the storyline of Flight 714,
- Flight 714 was hijacked by bad guys who wanted something from one of the passengers. The pilot was distracted away from the cockpit and the bad guys took over.
- The plane was flown under radar to escape detection to a volcano island.
- A temporary runway was placed on the island which was dismantled shortly after usage.
- The plane landed and the passengers were taken to a bunker by men with guns. The plane was then dumped in the sea.
- They escaped and ended up in a cave system leading to this underground temple with stone statues of astronauts.
- They met a mysterious guy with connections to ETs who helped them to escape.
- They were led to the base of a volcano, to board an astroship.
- The extinct volcano erupted shortly and the astroship took off.
- The astroship left the passengers on a rubber dingy, a distance away from the erupting volcano, in a sleep state.
- The passengers were found by a crew filming the eruption in the area. The passengers had no recollection of event after being rescued.
- The plane was flying from Djakarta to Sydney. The volcanic island was Pulau-Pulau Bompa (fictitious) in Celebes Sea.
Could be this just what happened? I actually find it plausible as it also seems to cover whatever conspiracy theories out there. It's probably not going to be 100% exact but it would be close. It brings me back to focus on the intention of MH370's hijack. If MH370 was indeed hijacked and diverted, what would be the precious cargo onboard? Why are they not searching any islands? Did they exclude islands just because there's no records of a runway there?
I ran a crazy synastry chart for this too to see if it aligns with MH370's chart.
MH370's Mercury conjuncts Flight 714's Pholus
When MH370 went missing, Tintin's Flight 714 was actually mentioned shortly after its disappearance. A turning point once again for the book.
MH370's Pallas conjuncts Flight 714's Atlantis
MH370's Saturn conjuncts Flight 714's Neptune
MH370's BML conjuncts Flight 714's Jupiter
MH370's Icarus conjuncts Flight 714's Saturn
MH370's Moon conjuncts Flight 714's Midas
I have never done charts in this manner before but there's an odd yet intriguing feeling over all this aspects. There seems to be a premonition going on for MH370 that it was going to be like Flight 714. Flight 714's storyline expands the darker side (BML) of what could have happened to MH370, making things you have missed previously more noticeable. Icarus placement seems to imply of a certain rebellion or over ambitiousness in play when "tasked" to appear like how Flight 714 played out.
I'm not sure how I feel overall after this reading. But if you are interested in solving the mysterious flight MH370, maybe you should check out the book. It will bring surprises.
But it is a nice thought if it ends like Flight 714 where the passengers were found eventually. But I'm not sure I want any dormant or extinct volcano erupting when people are least expecting.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Musings: Frozen Chart Reading
Why is Frozen such a popular movie?
This is another of those reading that turned out surprising.
Frozen premiered in the United States on 27 November 2013.
There were 2 dates.
It first premiered in Hollywood on 19 November 2013. On that day, Saturn conjunct Karma. That's a tough aspect out there. I wonder if those people who first watched it knew how far this movie would go.
The move officially premiered on 27 November 2013.
By then Karma conjunct Mercury instead, with Saturn's influence nearby.
Karma conjunct Mercury(exact)-Saturn.
Teachings of karmic lessons on responsibilities through story-tellling and musicality. Tough (due to Saturn) but would be very rewarding when done right.
Jupiter conjuncts BML
When I first saw this scene, I went "She's such a Lilith".
Sure enough, Jupiter conjuncts Black Moon Lilith. Movie expands the idea of BML, the dark secretive part of Elsa that got suppressed because her magical powers wasn't fit to be shown to the world.
Venus-Pluto opposite Jupiter-BML
There's a struggle between manipulative love/possessive love against expansion. Elsa (Lilith) ran away when Anna confronted about why she was avoiding her at the ball.
There's also this very interesting Cradle shape with Mercury-Saturn and Moon-Mars at the base and that Venus-Pluto and Jupiter opposition at the top. This is new to me but I thought this is interesting.
"“The Cradle configuration has two Wedge figures in it, providing two different ways to potentially escape from the stress - or transform it into creativity.
Like the Grand Sextile, the masculine will incline the individual to react with active drive and an independent attitude, lending an extrovert tendency to the individual. The feminine will incline the individual to react more passively with a communal attitude, lending an introvert tendency to the individual.
The more the person can learn to face and resolve the conflict of the opposition, the more they will be able to use the talents and natural abilities in the Cradle in ways that are healthy, constructive and healing."
Anna opposite Saturn
Anna helps to relieve the stress of Saturn's karma.
Psyche conjunct Pholus
Pholus quincux Jupiter-BML
The embracing of the soul triggers the turning point. In this case, it's the accepting of the dark secret.
South Node conjuncts King
North Node conjuncts Circe
The passing of a king, a Circe (an enchantress involved in witchcraft) will bring them further. In this case, it's Elsa with her powers.
Queen conjuncts Valentine
The queen finds love. The queen learns about love.
Pallas conjuncts Atlantis and Sphinx
This is what I find to be most fascinating. Awareness of the fall of a powerful civilization, hence will find ways to stop it from happening again. Sphinx remains a mystery here.
So why is Frozen successful?
Maybe people just want to watch a simple movie that teaches them to face their fears and hidden secrets. BML in the chart can represent the deep subconscious that you are unaware of and never want to confront. It's really that part of the chart that got locked away by limitations in life. And losing the courage to face it could be why you are never whole.
I also love how this ties with Lilith in a more positive light.
I decided to add one more asteroid, Disneya, which is named after Walt Disney.
Disneya conjuncts North Node
Disney did bring it further with their magic. :)
This is another of those reading that turned out surprising.
Frozen premiered in the United States on 27 November 2013.
There were 2 dates.
It first premiered in Hollywood on 19 November 2013. On that day, Saturn conjunct Karma. That's a tough aspect out there. I wonder if those people who first watched it knew how far this movie would go.
The move officially premiered on 27 November 2013.
By then Karma conjunct Mercury instead, with Saturn's influence nearby.
Karma conjunct Mercury(exact)-Saturn.
Teachings of karmic lessons on responsibilities through story-tellling and musicality. Tough (due to Saturn) but would be very rewarding when done right.
Jupiter conjuncts BML
When I first saw this scene, I went "She's such a Lilith".
Sure enough, Jupiter conjuncts Black Moon Lilith. Movie expands the idea of BML, the dark secretive part of Elsa that got suppressed because her magical powers wasn't fit to be shown to the world.
Venus-Pluto opposite Jupiter-BML
There's a struggle between manipulative love/possessive love against expansion. Elsa (Lilith) ran away when Anna confronted about why she was avoiding her at the ball.
There's also this very interesting Cradle shape with Mercury-Saturn and Moon-Mars at the base and that Venus-Pluto and Jupiter opposition at the top. This is new to me but I thought this is interesting.
"“The Cradle configuration has two Wedge figures in it, providing two different ways to potentially escape from the stress - or transform it into creativity.
Like the Grand Sextile, the masculine will incline the individual to react with active drive and an independent attitude, lending an extrovert tendency to the individual. The feminine will incline the individual to react more passively with a communal attitude, lending an introvert tendency to the individual.
The more the person can learn to face and resolve the conflict of the opposition, the more they will be able to use the talents and natural abilities in the Cradle in ways that are healthy, constructive and healing."
Anna opposite Saturn
Anna helps to relieve the stress of Saturn's karma.
Psyche conjunct Pholus
Pholus quincux Jupiter-BML
The embracing of the soul triggers the turning point. In this case, it's the accepting of the dark secret.
South Node conjuncts King
North Node conjuncts Circe
The passing of a king, a Circe (an enchantress involved in witchcraft) will bring them further. In this case, it's Elsa with her powers.
Queen conjuncts Valentine
The queen finds love. The queen learns about love.
Pallas conjuncts Atlantis and Sphinx
This is what I find to be most fascinating. Awareness of the fall of a powerful civilization, hence will find ways to stop it from happening again. Sphinx remains a mystery here.
So why is Frozen successful?
Maybe people just want to watch a simple movie that teaches them to face their fears and hidden secrets. BML in the chart can represent the deep subconscious that you are unaware of and never want to confront. It's really that part of the chart that got locked away by limitations in life. And losing the courage to face it could be why you are never whole.
I also love how this ties with Lilith in a more positive light.
I decided to add one more asteroid, Disneya, which is named after Walt Disney.
Disneya conjuncts North Node
Disney did bring it further with their magic. :)
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Musings: A Peek at Valentine's Day 2015
I took a peek at the future. Pulled out the chart of Valentine's Day 2015.
There are some very interesting conjunctions going on.
Eros-Psyche conjunction with Venus and Mars
Ceres conjunct Pluto
Valentine conjunct BML
And am fascinated by how my chart connects with it. Especially where my Pythia asteroid is sitting. Pythia was the Oracle of Delphi, a prophet.
Maybe I sense something from this chart. But I can't quite read and understand all those conjunctions I've listed.
It seems like an important day.
Until I figure it out.
Hopefully I'll stick around long enough to crack this and find out.
Lol. Pythia conjuncts Sun today.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Musings: New Revelations of MH370?
In the chart of MH370, Pallas is on Regulus, something which I've missed out completely until few weeks ago. Transit Pallas is now crossing Regulus again for the past few days.
Do you sense something? I think people will pick up something related to the plane these few days intuitively.
Here are 2 articles related to MH370 that I came across today.
First article was about the Bluefin-21 submersible used for the M370's underwater search having a "transponder problem".
“Examination of the communications problem has established that a hardware defect exists in the transponder mounted on the Ocean Shield and a defect may also exist in the transponder mounted on the Bluefin-21,” JACC said.
"This inhibits the ability of the two devices to communicate with each other," the statement added.
Second article was about a Malaysia Airlines plane getting struck in the belly by a ground vehicle.
An odd feeling of mine.
The transponder problem in the drone could very well be the same problem MH370 had. There was a defect in MH370's transponder that inhibit communication between MH370 with the ground radar. It was a problem that could only be fixed with the right "spare parts" but would delay usage. So it was never fixed properly.
The ground accident could very well imply problems were noticed while the plane was still on the ground but ignored.
I do not think the transponder was turned off (based on previous entry) as the media has been reporting but rather spolit. And this could be how it is broken.
So how long have planes been flying with faulty transponder? Isn't it about time the search team for MH370 consider the possibility of technical problems on the plane?
Do you sense something? I think people will pick up something related to the plane these few days intuitively.
Here are 2 articles related to MH370 that I came across today.
First article was about the Bluefin-21 submersible used for the M370's underwater search having a "transponder problem".
“Examination of the communications problem has established that a hardware defect exists in the transponder mounted on the Ocean Shield and a defect may also exist in the transponder mounted on the Bluefin-21,” JACC said.
"This inhibits the ability of the two devices to communicate with each other," the statement added.
Second article was about a Malaysia Airlines plane getting struck in the belly by a ground vehicle.
An odd feeling of mine.
The transponder problem in the drone could very well be the same problem MH370 had. There was a defect in MH370's transponder that inhibit communication between MH370 with the ground radar. It was a problem that could only be fixed with the right "spare parts" but would delay usage. So it was never fixed properly.
The ground accident could very well imply problems were noticed while the plane was still on the ground but ignored.
I do not think the transponder was turned off (based on previous entry) as the media has been reporting but rather spolit. And this could be how it is broken.
So how long have planes been flying with faulty transponder? Isn't it about time the search team for MH370 consider the possibility of technical problems on the plane?