Monday, March 31, 2014

Musings: Signs and Synchronicites in missing MH370

Signs I've been seeing.

The day I heard about MH370 was the day after I read about a future forecast article about Russia by Russians astrologers. That prediction was made 3 years ago and said WW3 was due to start after some time after Sochi Olympics 2014. Maybe not immediate but things would build up from there.

The next day, I heard that MH370 disappeared in the midst of waking up. It sounded like a Bermuda Triangle disappearance.

While I was figuring out what happened, I kept looking at the number 370. As a kid, I used to play this codegame with a calculator where one would punch in numbers and flip in upside down to get a word. 370 forms the word "OLE" but that is not it. I recognize the number 037 because it would form the word "LEO". The word "LEO" keeps popping up to me.

And if you flip MH370 and scramble it, it forms the word "WHOLE".


I kept thinking the plane was upside down in one whole piece. Which could be why there's no debris found till today.


370 = OLE = LEO

And then I did a chart for MH370 and found "Plane" asteroid in exact alignment with Black Moon Lilith (exact) at first degree of LEO.

MH370 captain/pilot's name is Zaharie Ahmad Shah. Shah in Persian means "King". (I picked this up from Who else is the king in the 12 astrological signs besides LEO.

He is born on 31 July. Also a LEO Sun.

On 12 March 2014, I was fairly sure that something would come up because the Moon was crossing into LEO over BML but they didn't find anything. Later, it was revealed Inmarsat had relayed important satellite information to Malaysia Airlines on that day.

I looked up on Najib Razak, the PM of Malaysia and Hishammuddin Hussein, the Transport Minister. They are both LEO Suns.

A woman called Raja Delaleh Raja Latife, back from her pilgrimage to Mecca, claimed to have seen a plane in the water on her flight to Kuala Lumpur. Raja in Hindu means "King". LEO again.

Things seem to align but I don't know how to make complete sense out of it.

People do not believe the woman can something in water from her plane. But I feel otherwise.

The search party's looking for the "black box" of MH370. The Kaaba of Mecca is also known as the "Black Box".

A woman back from pilgrimage from seeing the "Black Box" would know what a "black box" looks like.


I got slightly confused whether I should use the word "scramble" or "unscramble".

I had to look it up. Oddly enough, this is what I found.

1. to climb or move quickly using one's hands and feet, as down a rough incline.
2. Military . (of pilots or aircraft) to take off as quickly as possible to intercept enemy planes.
3. to make (a radio or telephonic message) incomprehensible to interceptors by systematically changing the transmission frequencies.

And oddly enough, this coincides with something that I've guessed since much earlier.

That MH370 was intercepted physically or through transmission, causing it to scramble, flip and go down as a WHOLE.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Musings: Astrology Navigational Chart for Flight MH370

Did a navigational chart out of MH370's chart. It's paired with a set of sequential event reading which I'll post shortly after I tidy it up.

It all started when I looked up Planes de Son asteroid, the asteroid I used to represent the missing "Plane". I feel strongly about that asteroid because of its exact alignment with Black Moon Lilith (read previous entry) at 1 Leo.

Les Planes de Son is named after a plateau in the Catalan Pyrenees, between France and Spain. The place is beautiful and if you look up photos, you can see snowy mountains. The moment I saw it, I recalled how some bomoh or psychic brought up snowy mountain in their visions/dreams related to MH370.

I played around with Skyvector thinking maybe someone had keyed in the wrong waypoint. I put in a waypoint to Catalan Pyrenees (LFBT) from the last waypoint (IGREX) and got this.

It looks strangely like the path plotted by Keith Ledgerwood, who had suggested that MH370 had followed another plane SIA68/SQ68 through the northern path. And when I looked up SIA68/SQ68's destination, I realised it's towards Barcelona, Spain.

This is his plotted path.

Image from Keith Ledgerwood

Freaky right?

I don't know whether to believe in it. It seems very so plausible now due to the precise alignment.


I decide to do something crazy today.

Why not do a navigational chart reading? Except it will be very bizarre because I don't think anyone tried this before. It might be hard to understand.

I used a couple of island/location name asteroids with the chart. The chart rotates clockwise starting from 0.41am, with ASCENDANT at Sagittarius 8 and slowly hits a location as it turns with time. I paired it with the list of timing of events happening and make turns with it on the navigational chart. The Moon is also used as where the pilot wants to head. At 0.41am, Moon was 7.18 Gemini.

0.41 a.m - SAG 8 ~ The plane was travelling towards Beijing
1.30 a.m - SAG 20 ~  At Navigation point [1] where it disappeared off radar
Mauritas (to represent Mauritus) asteroid conjuncts ASC. The plane turned west or southwest towards Mauritus direction.
Moon conjuncts Melaka asteroid. Emotionally, the plane wants to head back towards Melaka (to represent Malacca or Straits of Malacca).

(In between) Heading towards Navigation point [2]

2.15 a.m - SAG 30 ~  At Navigation point [3] where it reappeared.
The plane was detected seemingly travelling along GIVAL waypoint and towards IGREX waypoint.

2.20 a.m - CAP 1 ~ At Navigation point [3]
Keelers asteroid (to represent Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Australia) conjunct ASC. The plane turned south towards Keeling Islands.
Moon conjuncts Melaka and Coco asteroids. Emotionally, plane wants to head towards Cocos (Keeling) Island or Malacca.

2.37 a.m CAP 5 ~ Something happened.

3.16 a.m CAP 14 ~ At Navigation point [4]. Pluto conjuncts ASC, crosses to 12th House.

3.21 a.m CAP 15 ~ At Navigation point [4]
Thai asteroid (at Cap 15, to represent Thailand) conjunct ASC. The plane turned northeast towards a small island called Pulau-Pulau Kokos (Indonesia).

3.55 a.m CAP 23 ~ At Navigation point [5] maybe?
Moon exact conjunct Coco asteroid. Plane is where it wants to be.

4.00 a.m CAP 25
Moon at 10 Gemini.
Sabian Symbol: Aeroplane performing a nose-dive.

I think [4} might be further south towards Cocos (Keeling) Island before turning back though.

I also think 2.37 a.m might be the point where there was a crisis.. A last abrupt turn was made at 3.16 a.m heading towards a "Coco" island perhaps before the pilots lost consciousness (Pluto crosses into 12H). Between 3.16 a.m and 4.00 a.m would be where it landed or didn't land. :\

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Greek Asteroids: Pyrrha and Deucalion

Parallel of story of Noah's ark in ancient Greek mythology. (Link)
The Bronze generation was very corrupt so Zeus punished them with calamities. Pyrrha and Deucalion survived and created men and women by throwing stones. They also became the first king and queen of Northern Greece.

632 Pyrrha
Wife of Deucalion

53311 Deucalion 

The Greco-Roman Noah, the magic of manifestation. Orbital Period: 295.53 yr.
Positive: understanding the flow (tides of life), manifestation ability, magical, resourceful, seeing the talent in everyone.
Negative: feeling overwhelmed, not able to tread water (keep up with life), financially irresponsible, feels the burden of humanity
Mundane: monetary ability, extremely imaginative and resourceful, magic
Ceremonial: ceremonies of manifestation, spiritual exercises using images of bounty and harvest, runes, reading bones

Monday, March 24, 2014

Musings: 4 Blood Moons

I came across the topic of blood moons again. It makes me nervous. The signs are strong.

Blood Moon is an omen linked to Israel/Jews and there are 4 to come. A sign of prophecy. A sign of change.

I came across this video today the prophecy in the Dead Sea Scrolls linked to the Jewish Essenes. In particular, the War Scroll "The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness.".

I can't help but think how it aligns with the Atlantean-Athenian war in Plato's Atlantis.

Atlantean-Athenian War :
The Atlanteans had conquered the parts of Libya within the Pillars of Hercules as far as Egypt and the European continent as far as Tyrrhenia, and subjected its people to slavery. They began a war from their homeland in the Atlantic Ocean and sent fighting troops to Europe and Asia. Against this attack the men of Athens formed a coalition from all over Greece to halt it. When this coalition met difficulties their allies deserted them and the Athenians fought on alone to defeat the Atlantian rulers. They stopped an invasion of their own country as well as freeing Egypt and eventually every country under the control of the rulers of Atlantis. Shortly after their victory, even before the Athenians could return home, Atlantis suffered catastrophic earthquakes and floods until it disappeared beneath the sea. All of the brave men were swallowed up in one day and night of horror according to legend.

In Plato's Atlantis, Atlantis was said to represent the republic while Athen represents the utopian state.

In the War Scroll, it talks about the spiritual war between good and evil. In that particular video, it also shows that ancient Mesopotamia, Assyria and Persia to be aligned with the current Middle East.

Now, if the Pillars of Hercules are indeed referring to the current Strait of Gibraltar, America would be to the west of it (as "Atlantis"). And to the east of the pillars would be the countries suppressed by "Atlantis", which "Athen" freed.

So who is the current "Athen" this time?

I cannot help but feel that something of the past remaps to become the prophecy of a future. Prophecy was meant to be a gift, but became a curse when people didn't learn from it. History just ends up repeating itself.

So will we learn from it?

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Musings: Occultation of Regulus by Erigone 2014

On 20 March 2014 2.06 am EDT, Regulus, one of the brightest royal stars, got eclipsed by Erigone for a couple of seconds.

I completely forgot about it.

And then it occurred to me that it had to mean something, if you think like an ancient astronomer/astrology.

But I have zero knowledge of who Erigone is.
In Greek mythology, Erigone was the daughter of Icarius of Athens. Icarius was from Athens. He was cordial towards Dionysus, who gave his shepherds wine. They became intoxicated and killed Icarius, thinking he had poisoned them. His daughter, Erigone, and her dog, Maera, found his body. Erigone hanged herself over her father’s grave. Dionysus was angry and punished Athens with making all of the city’s maidens commit suicide in the same way. Erigone was placed in the stars as the constellation Virgo.
Still no idea about it.

I wonder if it signifies Regulus' official passing of power from Leo to Virgo. Or something more.

Regulus signifies royalty, noble mind, frankness, courage, authority and dignity.

With it being hidden, is it a sign of loss of leadership power and dignity? And that there's more to come.

"In an ancient tablet from Ninevah, the following omen is found: 
If the star of the Great Lion is gloomy the heart of the people will not rejoice."

On 20 March, Russia sent troops into Crimea for a forced takeover.

I fear things are starting to brew from here.

Finding Atlantis Part 3 - Plato's Atlantis

“Atlantis was a legendary continent that many people believe sank into the Atlantic Ocean thousands of years ago. The first mention of Atlantis appeared during the 300's B.C. in CRITIAS and TIMAEUS, two works by the Greek philosopher Plato. According to Plato, a brilliant civilization once existed on Atlantis. But its people became corrupt and greedy, and so the gods punished them. During one day and night, great explosions shook Atlantis, and the continent sank into the sea.”

 “ATLANTIS, also spelled Atalantis, or Atlantica, a legendary island in the Atlantic Ocean, lying west of the Straits of Gibraltar. Plato describes how Egyptian priests, in conversation with the Athenian lawgiver Solon, described Atlantis as an island larger than Asia Minor and Libya combined, and situated just beyond the Pillars of Hercules (the Straits of Gibraltar).”


In Plato's myth, Poseidon fell in love with Cleito, who bore him five pairs of male twins. Atlas, the first son of the first set of twins, was made king over the vast territory by his father. His brothers were appointed princes and each ruled over a large section of the territory that was distributed to him. The most valuable section of the kingdom remained his mother's home on the hilltop and the land surrounding it. This was given to Atlas. Atlas himself had many sons with the succession of the throne always passing to the eldest son.

For generations Atlantis remained peaceful and prospered. Almost all of the population's needs were met from the island's mines, fields and forests. Anything that the kingdom did not produce was imported. This was possible because a channel was eventually built which transversed all the rings from the ocean to the center of the kingdom, or the acropolis. On this stood the royal palace near the original home of Poseidon and Cleito. Each succeeding king tried to out do his predecessor in building a greater kingdom. Finally the splendid city Metropolis and the outer city of Atlantis existed behind a great outer wall.

Poseidon sat down laws for Atlantis that the rulers were to fellow. The ruling body was to meet regularly. It was to consist of ten rulers that represented the first rulers -- Atlas and his nine brothers -- who reigned with absolute power of life and death over their subjects. These meeting occurred in the temple of Poseidon where the first rulers inscribed the laws on a pillar of orichalcum. First, as required by ancient ceremony, pledges were exchanged. Then a sacred bull was captured and killed. The body was burned as a sacrifice to the god. Then the blood was mixed with wine and poured over the fire as a act of purification for each man. The rulers were served wine in golden cups, each poured a libation over the fire and swore by oath to give judgment according to the inscribed laws. When ending his vow each drank his wine and dedicated his cup to the temple. This was followed by a dinner that preceded the rulers putting on magnificent blue robes in which they judged matters concerning the kingdom according to Poseidon's laws.

As long as they judged and lived by Poseidon's laws they and the kingdom prospered. When the laws began to be forgotten trouble began. More of the rulers eventually began marrying mortals and started acting like foolish humans. Soon pride overtook the rulers who soon began grasping for greater power. Then Zeus saw what had happened to the rulers. They had abandoned the laws of the gods and acted in an evil coalition as men. He assembled all the gods of Olympus around him and was to pronounce judgment on Atlantis. This is where Plato's story stops.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Asteroid 6568 Serendip

6568 Serendip

Similar words: Serendipity

Origin: It is named after the old Persian name for Sri Lanka, which was used in the fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip". The heroes were always making pleasant discoveries of things they were not seeking.

The gift of finding interesting things by chance. Unexpected pleasant surprises

Monday, March 17, 2014

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Musings: Reading for Flight MH370

I wanted to do this earlier but held back. There was an uneasy feeling and a lot of things didn't make sense to me. I have been looking at it for days and thought maybe it's time to write about it.

First reading of asteroid chart:

Asteroid Planes de Son (for Plane) conjunct Black Moon Lilith (BML) (exact)
Did a plane get hidden away in the moon's shadow? It will take exploring the dark side to find it. It will be uncomfortable while unearthing but you will learn of the side you never knew.

Asteroid Masa (MAS or Malaysia) conjunct Chiron
Chiron is the wounded healer. MAS incurs a wound he/she can't heal on his/her own but will eventually learn to heal others.

Asteroid Luigi conjunct Saturn Retrograde
Luigi was the first guy found to have boarded the flight with a fake passport from Thailand. Saturn Retrograde signifies the return of karma. As things unfolded, the real Luigi gets hunted by his past of losing his passport in Thailand. What does it mean for the other "Luigi" on the plane?

Asteroid Terristaples (for terrorist) conjunct Jupiter
It does come off as a terrorist attack. Or at else as things unfolded. Jupiter expands whatever it touches so the idea of terrorism is definitely being projected in the world again. Was it a terrorist act over spirituality or for expansion? The link that left me confused was how Luigi-Saturn sesiquiquadrate Jupiter and Uranus. It seems to signify that "Luigi" had to go something for expansion/spirituality (Jupiter) on the airplane (Uranus).

Asteroid Bombelli (for bomb) conjunct Pholus
Pholus means the turning point. I picked Bombelli to signify the exploding point which conjuncts Pholus exact. I would like to think of it as a "ticking bomb" meaning crisis as opposed to a real bomb. I did not feel the plane exploded in mid-air.

Asteroid Spirit conjunct Radiocommunicata/Thais

I also used a couple other asteroids like Viete= Vietnam, Buda = group of Buddhists onboard, Calli = group of calligraphers onboard etc.


The above reading scares me a little. And it was pretty much the idea that got circulated around.
The idea of terrorism just didn't seem right to me.

I looked up Terristaples asteroid and found out the asteroid's named after an educator.
Would this be a lesson on spirituality instead?

I looked up on sesiquiquadrate aspect which I am not familiar with. It says it's the weaker version of a square aspect, somewhat clumsy.

Sure enough, it came out later in the news that "Luigi" could possibly be just illegal migrant trying to cross borders for another life. People had prejudged that just because he's Iranian that it must be a terrorist act. His act of obtaining a fake passport made him suspicious so therefore he's presumed to be a terrorist. All the assumptions made beforehand seemed to have blurred the whole picture. It led to a wild goose chase which till date, made no sense or seemed to make anything clearer.

I eventually looked up Bombelli asteroid.

Bombelli asteroid was named after Rafael Bombelli, an Italian mathematician. And his greatest invention?
He came up with complex numbers. Before him, mathematicians only worked with real numbers.

He invented something called imaginary numbers. Noone believed that imaginary numbers would work because it's not real but Bombelli did.

The Impossible Possible.

Second reading of asteroid chart:

Did we overlook something today? Because we are so sure that it would not happen. Those possibilities that you have excluded from the very beginning because "it's impossible" could be what had exactly happened.

While looking at imaginary numbers, I linked it to the concept of imaginary time. The radar.

The radar, which had caught the flight disappearing for 14 minutes. What had happened during this period? The same radar that caught MH370 falling 10000 feet. And the engine data that suggested it lost 40000 feet within a minute that got discounted.

Was it the same flight on the radar after 14 minutes? Or did someone just pull an illusion over you?

Black Moon Lilith's exact conjunction. The deepest darkest side that you never explore or consider. Or did it just mean a woman? They did mainly focus on male suspects.

And yes, asteroid Spirit conjunct Radiocommunicata/Thais.

Maybe you need some information from Thailand or their radars/satellites to find out what really happened. Or maybe it's really just somewhere near Thailand or Gulf of Thailand.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Musings: Tracing Parthenope

I've been looking at numerology and what I've found fascinating is the links with asteroid number.

11 has been called the twinflame number. I'm not sure exactly why. Asteroid Parthenope is asteroid number 11. 

There isn't much to Parthenope's myth except that she's a siren.

Parthenope appears in Greek mythology and classical literature and art as one of the sirens who taunted Odysseus. One version of the tale depicts her throwing herself into the sea because her love for Odysseus was not returned. She drowns and her body washes up on the shore of Naples, which was called Parthenope after her name.

But I kept looking and found out about Parthenope and Metiochus. They are called the "Romeo & Juliet" of the ancient world. The original tale isn't clear due to missing papyrus. One of it was that Parthenope and Metiochus fell in love but because Parthenope had vowed to remain chaste, they couldn't be together. In another, Parthenope was betrothed to Metiochus who had to leave and many other men wanted to marry Parthenope. Parthenope remained devoted to getting to Metiochus. It was not clear whether they reunited at the end.  The first story sounds close to the story of Artemis and Orion, while the second sounds like Penelope and Odysseus.

What I found interesting was the mosaic of them in the Museum of Gaziantep. 

Parts of the mosaic (their upper bodies) were stolen by tomb looters from Zeugma and for years, noone knew what the both of them looked.

36 years later, their mosaic pieces were found. On 19 June 2000, they were both brought back in 2 wooden boxes and both of them reunited on the original mosaic.

And then you realize how long they wanted to be together...

They did reunite eventually.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Asteroid 7616 Sadako

Asteroid 7616 Sadako

Name Meaning: Chaste Child

Named after Sadako Sasaki, a Japanese child who died of leukemia after radiation exposure from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. She was inspired to fold origami cranes by the Japanese legend, that one who created a thousand origami cranes would be cured by the gods. Her wish was simply to live but she died before finishing the task. Her friends and family helped finish her dream by folding the rest of the cranes, which were buried with Sadako.

Symbol of peace, reminder of innocent lives lost in war

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Musings: Twinflames in "The Last Supper"

I looked up the Christian asteroids after reading about it in a twinflame article. Mary Magdalene is said to be Jesus's twinflame. I've read and watched "The Da Vinci Code" in the past but can't remember much about it.

I saw a picture of "The Last Supper". I can't help but notice there's always this creeper next to the woman in Renaissance art.

Like seriously.

You know what it means.

I've never gotten all that interested in Leonardo Da Vinci's life or his artwork. I had to study him, well after finding out Leonardo asteroid is prominent in my chart. Leonardo was multi-talented and had many interests. It was a blend of everything that made his art so fascinating.

And that is the direction I find myself taking.

A relook at "The Last Supper" today left me baffled.

It isn't about that V-shape.
It isn't just that Jesus and Mary Magdalene are mirror images.

We have a feminine and masculine side in all of us. A balance of it is when we become whole.

If red represents femininity in a person, and blue represents masculinity, they are actually wearing opposite colours inversely.

They complete each other, both the feminine side (red) and the masculine side (blue). And when you blend red and blue together, you get violet. Violet is the colour of spirituality.

That fits the twinflame theory. The combination of both is what makes it divine.

Leonardo Da Vinci could have painted it to reveal the twinflame relationship, except maybe he didn't call it "twinflames" back then.

It wasn't just about their secret relationship. It was also about what their union brought along.

My heart is heavy.

Transit Jessie asteroid (used as Jesus NAME asteroid) is on Fomalhaut today.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Asteroid 5405 Neverland

Finding Neverland

5405 Neverland
Neverland is a fictional place featured in the works of J. M. Barrie and those based on them. It is the dwelling place of Peter Pan, Tinker Bell, the Lost Boys and others. Although not all people in Neverland cease to age, its best known resident famously refused to grow up, and it is often used as a metaphor for eternal childhood (and childishness), immortality, and escapism.

On your chart, it points to your dreamland, where you will never grow up, never grow old.

Musings: Do Min Joon Asteroid (My Love From the Star)

Just finished a popular South Korean drama called "My Love From the Star/You Came From the Stars". (spoiler alert!)

The story is about an alien (Do Min-Joon) who was sent to Earth 400 years ago. He finds himself falling in love with an actress (Cheon Song-Yi), who resembled the girl who saved him 400 years ago. 

When I was watching it, I couldn't help notice the story sounds almost twinflame-y. An alien who thinks he's good enough alone and doesn't need love learns about love. An actress who's full of herself eventually learns about sacrificial love. Towards the end, Cheon's Song-Yi's broken family also reunited and all the family members changed for the better. (healing effects from TF relationship)

The lessons behind the drama are mind-blowing. Who is this alien teaching the world how to love?

"Is it hard dealing with the fact that he could disappear any time and any where? Of course it is. But it is also what makes me love him more; the knowledge that any moment could be our last, makes every moment together all the more precious. "
— Cheon Song Yi, My Love from Another Star 

"I’ve come to realize, that no one lives for death - they live for life. Even though the end is a fixed destination, we can still be happy. "
— Do Min Joon, My Love from Another Star

Do Min Joon Asteroid

And that awkward moment when you can relate to this drama through this blog...

I was checking his NAME asteroid before I watched this episode so imagine my face when I saw it. He is not up there yet. The closest in name would be 22685 Dominguez

According to the drama, it takes 3 years for asteroid names to be confirmed so who knows, someone just might name an asteroid after Do Min Joon because of the popularity of the drama.

On-screen Chemistry between Gianna Jun and Kim Soo-Hyun

I've always thought Kim Soo-Hyun to be a great actor. Him acting as an alien teaching about love made me want to check his Atlantis asteroid. Indeed, he has a Atlantis-Psyche conjunction.

His onscreen chemistry with Gianna Jun was what really made this romance series to be awesome.

Their synastry amazes me when I link it back to the show.

His Sun conjuncts Her Valentine
His Valentine conjuncts Her Eros-Chiron
His expression (acting) makes her feel in love. Her passion makes him feel in love. His love helps her learn about herself and heal.

Her Juno conjuncts His Atlantis-Psyche
Her role as wife/partner gets him in touch with his Atlantis-Psyche, which is this collective consciousness of spreading something good for humanity.

His Vesta conjuncts Her North Node
His Amor conjuncts Her Vesta
His Neptune conjuncts Her Karma-Destinn 
His Karma conjuncts Her Mars-Psyche
His unconditional love makes her devoted. His devotion towards her brought her further in her acting career (in the show).
Her wilful character conjuncts his karma. His dreamy character brought her karma and destiny together.

I probably sound ridiculous but this is not all.

Although Gianna Jun is still a very popular star in South Korea, she has been focusing mainly on movies. Her acting works haven't been consistently appealing to the masses. This drama caused her popularity to propel back into the spotlight.

Doesn't it sound like the drama? Do Min Joon helping Cheon Song-Yi get somewhere.

And doesn't it give a sense of Kim Soo-Hyun's Vesta helping Gianna's North Node get somewhere?

Somewhere on screen, off screen. Somehow it all works out.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Musings: Why Leonardo DiCaprio Didn't Win the Oscars

My TV/social media is bursting with news on how Leonardo DiCaprio didn't win an Oscar for his performance in "The Wolf of Wall Street".

I didn't watch it. But I've always thought he's an excellent actor based on past movies.

Let's do a reading. Except I really can't read much today.

Leonardo asteroid (used as Name Asteroid) is close to Saturn today. And Saturn had just turned retrograde today as if it is coming back for his Name Asteroid.

"Saturn is the Lord of Karma. Retrograde motion is a time when karma is sorted out. Therefore Saturn retrograde 2014 is a double dose of karma. Before we get into this, we need to understand what this word means. Karma is a form of energy that is very real. Like Saturn, it is very closely bound to time. Past, present, and future blur into one. If we have been bad in the past, then at a certain predestined time, an event will occur to teach us a lesson. If we been good in the past, then at a predestined time, an event will occur to reward us for our good deeds." - Astrology King

I don't know much about Leonardo Dicaprio except he's a womanizer so maybe it's really reflection time for him to stop his partying ways.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Movie Asteroids: Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Atlantis: The Lost Empire is a 2001 Disney animated film. Set in 1914, the film tells the story of a young man, Milo Thatch, who gains possession of a sacred book, which he believes will guide him and a crew of adventurers to the lost city of Atlantis.

1198 Atlantis

5140 Kida
Princess of Atlantis

3337 Milos
Guy who researches on Atlantis and eventually finds her.

Finding Atlantis Part 2 - Asteroid Discovery Chart

Grand Cross between Uranus (rebellion/telecommunication), Saturn (authority), Mars (assertiveness), Moon/Pluto ( emotions/power)

Sun conjunct Venus at 15 Virgo
Sabian: A fine lace ornamental handkerchief.
Reading: A refined symbol, one which is carried into world for uplifting human civilization

Moon at 16 Cancer (uncertain)
Sabian: A man studying a mandala in front of him, with the help of a very ancient book.

Mercury Retrograde at 9 Virgo
Sabian: An expressionist painter making a futuristic drawing.

Mars at 24 Libra (Spica/Arcturus)
Sabian: A third wing on the left side of a butterfly
Reading: Excessive perfection going past what is necessary

Jupiter at  12 Leo
Sabian: An evening garden party of adults.

Saturn at 17 Capricorn
Sabian: A young woman surreptitiously bathing in the nude.

Uranus Retrograde at 19 Aries
Sabian: A magic carpet hovers over the depressing reality of everyday life in an industrial area.

Neptune at 6 Virgo
Sabian: A merry-go-round.

Pluto at 22 Cancer
Sabian: A young woman awaiting a sailboat.

True Node at 6 Aries
Sabian: A square brightly lighted on one side

Chiron Retrograde at 24 Taurus
An indian warrior riding fiercely, human scalps hanging at his belt.
Reading: Fighting for own territory

to be continued...

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Finding Atlantis: Part 1 - Lexigrams

Images from National Geographic Channel's "Finding Atlantis" (2012)

ATLANTIS (Lexigram)








Atal (Hindi) - Adamant, Immovable

Attila - Vicious Barbarian, Destroyer of civilisation, Power and domination

Love Goddess Asteroids

1388 Aphrodite
Aphrodite was the Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation. Venus is the Roman equivalent.

7088 Ishtar
Ishtar is the Assyrian and Babylonian goddess of love, procreation, and war.

3497 Innanen
Inanna is the oldest of the love goddess of the Mesopotamian region. She is a Sumerian goddess of love and war.

672 Astarte
Ashtart or Astarte is a Semitic goddess of sexual love, maternity and fertility. She is also a war goddess and is associated with leopards or lions.

2340 Hathor
Hathor is an ancient Egyptian goddess who personified the principles of joy, feminine love, and motherhood.

42 Isis
Isis is an Egyptian goddess of magic, fertility and motherhood. She also symbolises loyalty and devotion.

76 Freia
Freya is the Norse Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination and magic.

150 Nuwa
Nuwa is an ancient Chinese goddess, procreator of mankind.